Thursday 8 March 2018

Story Update

Toby is walking home, walking don the pathway towards her home in a sulkily mood, Vex is inside the attic swishing her tail around, bored, she pricks up hearing Toby coming home,

Vex zooms down onto her demanding the go to the park, while constantly reminding her that she promised her she would get to try this Ice-cream thing. Toby sighs and said she need to get ready first Vex is happy with her accomplishment.

Cut to them sitting on a park bench (vex with a ridiculously big ice-cream) in the park, they are talking about Vexs past, herr power and her true form. while eating ice-cream, but before Vex can lick or bit her ice cram it falls into the ground, Vival and Noctus burst out of the shadows with general bad guy banter.

Toby throws her Ice-cream into Nocts face to shut him up, he wipes it off, They demand they hand over the focusing Crystal, which is currently duck taped onto a stick making a makeshift wand, Vex refused and tells them to get lost. Noctus "fine.. ..have it your way"

 Noctus vs Vex
Vivval vs Toby

Noctus puts a barrier up to prevent the two from escaping, and giving them an advantage. The antagonists begin attacking Vex and Toby, Vex tells Toby to harness her power through the focusing Crystal. Toby begins using the Crystal to fire attacks at Vivval. Toby is blasted back and the Crystal is knocked out of her hand by Vivval and is gaining on her aiming for bother Toby and the Crystal.

Vex lets out a burst of magic fire that hits in front of Vivval forcing her back. and the protagonist regroup. Vex and Toby join together, with Vex powering Toby with magic and her channeling it through the Crystal, together to defeat the antagonists and break the barrier Noctus and Vivval were blasted back and smashed against the barrier.

 Vivval picks Noctus up he refused to give up but she says they need to retreat, Noctus says that it is not over and he will return, Vivval drags him off. Vex and Toby and recovering,

Toby brings up that vex used magic, and asked is she sure she ever actually lost her power, if so that doesn't explain how Toby can use magic.

I thought you couldn't use magic anymore
Neither did I,
 I thought I lost my power, it should still be within you.
Well maybe you didn't all of it

Vex interrupts with a cry, saying she didn't get to eat her Ice-cream

there could be more talking about how vex lost her power though i might not have time and it will just dragon on, instead, from here Vex could cut the conversation short and asks her if they can get more Ice-cream and the two start arguing.

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