Thursday 8 March 2018

Character notes - Protagonists

Toby: Age: 14

Toby was conceived by accident, growing up she never had the support she needed growing up, as her parents didn't care for her much, while they did look after they never encouraged in any department causing her to have a low self asteem, She kept to herself in school and blended into the background drawing the odd bully or two growing up.

Toby is very independent and tends to do everything by herself and doesn't seem to ask for help whenever she needs it, she had to know how to help herself growing up.

Toby is Intelligent and is Decent in physical aspects however she is no athlete.

Caring and protecting over those close to her,


Vex: Age: 50

Vex is enthusiastic and optimistic, however loosing her power took a toll on her, she hates being powerless or weak, She does try to cover it up with her happy personality. this isn't constant she can be happy but she does have spurts of feeling down because of it, insecurities, that come and go, though she hides it as a way of dealing with it, she is not very good with dealing with emotions.

Vex put her all into something she has decided to do
she can be harsh and rash

Incredibly stubborn

possessive over things she owns and people she likes

Vex is an emotion driven person


Vex's current form or small form if you will, is not her true form, she could turn into this form however it is not her true form, she was reverted to this form after loosing "all" her power.

(22) yrs ago)
Vex fought in a war to seal away the big bad, she was on big bad's side however she ended up betraying him and helping seal him away. 21 years later Vex finds out the Twins Vivval and Noctus are planning on reviving the big bad, they are not the only ones, Vex steals something known as a focusing Crystal, which is a key item (but not the only) thing needed in reviving the big bad, Vex flees to another world but in her escape her power was stripped from her, both her and her power were blasted into another world

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