Monday 5 March 2018


James Stuart Blackton
Emile Cohl
Martin Thronton
Winsor Mccay
Ladislaw Starwicz

These people were known animators from the 1905's onward they all partook in a form of animation, some also containing live action and some not. One of the films was said to be the first film to be animated in colour, unlike its predecessors which merely had painted film frames. All the artists listed have animations that are or rumored to be the first of something for example, Emile Cohl was considered to have created the first fully animated film and James has said to have created the first drawn animation on film.
From live-action with animation in it to complete cartoons and stop motion in this time period animators were very experimental in what they did and created.

James Stuart Blackton:
James was a cameraman and director his carer boosted when he mentioned to Edison that he liked to draw, James was also known to be a founder of the animated film or so it is said.

Emile Cohl:
Emile was part of a group that partook in presentations for people who could not draw, the group the Emile was involved in Emile used this to create art in a new medium, he pulled and streched his creation of animation, anything in his films was possible and that was one of the films that laid the path for new animations.

Martin Thronton:
Martin made use of two different mediums in his filmed namely live action and animation. it was said to be one of the first animations to be animated in colour though unlike it predecessor the process of tinting the film to give it colour was not used, instead the film was created by using various filters as it was created the process was known as Kinemacolour.

Winsor Mccay:
Said to be the first classical animator of his time.

Ladislaw Starewicz:
The form of film Ladislaw created was stop-motion, his films were wildly successful, one of his films included moving around beetles and other various bugs by using wax on the bug models he was able to move, take apart, and reattach limbs to create his stop motion animation.

George Melies:
what techniques did he create?
George created various techniques such as, people bursting into smoke in his films, he discovered this by accident when his equipment for filming had jammed, and thanks to that he had discovered an important aspect of filming and the trick of stop-frame.. These techniques made his films extremely popular, and he introduced new genres to the film industry such as, science-fiction and fantasy. Other techniques he created were, Reverse motion, fade in and out and cutting within the camera.

How did they influence new films?
As his films and the techniques used were wildly popular this in turn inspired more people to create films with the same aspects of his, people wanted to create stories within the new and exciting genre that George had created.
(though I have a feeling some just wanted to ride along the popularity train as is usually the case with things like these)

How has he been and influence to films in my list?
Many of the films I love and enjoy are within the fantasy genre, thanks to George skyrocketing the genre, films in the future are created in such genre letting peoples imagination run wild with no limitations.

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