Thursday 22 March 2018

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Vsevolod Pudovkin
Pudovkin said that the actors in films did not really act, that their performance is not what makes the film special but that, it is indeed the camera works and editing that truly makes a film. He believed that a montage did not work in the way most people though that it did, Pudovkin saw montage a linkage of frames compared to how it was originally conceived as a collection of cut frames placed together.

Dziga Vertov
Vertov Worked as a newsreel cameraman and and was the person to create the term, Film eye also known as Keno Eye/, Vertov believe fiction to be corrupting to the film industry and opted towards more realistic events within his films, using camera cuts to create tension and panic within his films. He wanted to capture life, real life, within his films, to show the world whats around them instead of creating fiction which various other people did. Even though he said fiction corrupts the film industry he has created one of the earliest Russian films.

Sergei Eisenstein
Eisenstein style of film had been influenced by events that had surfaced after the Russian Revolution,
He designed and created propaganda to keep peoples morals high while he was involved with the Red army.
Eisenstein followed a set of methods when creating montages:

Metric - Based on timing / number of frames
Rhythmic - Cutting for continuity / movement of within the frames.
Tonal - The tones of a shot Lighting, shapes and shadows
Overtonal - A combination of Metric, Rhythmic and Tonal
Intellectual - while the previous methods look for an emotion response this method looks to create and show ideas between the film and the viewer.

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