Tuesday 13 March 2018

Reserch 14/3/18

Introducing Direct quotes:

Exercise 1:
Following are pairs of sentences. One is a statement, and the other source material to integrate as a quote. Use the source material as a quote in the main sentence. Try to use extracts from the sentence as well as the whole sentence.

The economy is looking much better.
"Millions of new jobs are emerging. Things are really on the upswing." (Frank Rank, A Cab Driver)

According to Frank Rank, an American cab driver "Millions of new jobs are emerging. Things are really on the upswing.", as Frank has stated within this quote, the number of job offers has been steadily rising in America.

In Frank Rank's perspective, as an American cab driver "Things are really on the upswing" for new jobs offers that have been increasing by millions.

It is more important then ever for Americans to forge a common identity.
"We need an identity that binds us together." (Frank Hairpeice, A Prominent Scholar)

It is more important then ever for Americans to forge a common identity, as a prominent scholar known as Frank Hairpiece has stated, "We need an identity that binds us together."

Prominent scholar Frank Hair-peace, maintains the idea that as Americans "We need an identity that binds us together".

Animal rights represent the next stage in human moral development
"If we don't change our ways, future generations will judge us harshly. We need to achieve a higher state of consciousness and empathy." (Yoshi Om, a Philosopher)

Animal rights are morally important as a basic human development in society. In the stated quote - "If we don't change our ways, future generations will judge us harshly. We need to achieve a higher state of consciousness and empathy." Decency is the key to improve ourselves as an example for the younger generations in the future to learn from.

every paragraph starts with and argument, info then analyse  each paragraph has a topic,
small essay, one topic per paragraph.

Evidence that makes your argument, = quotes from the essay we are reviewing and the people mentioned in the essay to support my argument.

Topic. Introduce the idea, quote here, that supports argument.

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