Monday 19 March 2018

Soviet Montage Notes

WE GONNA NEED A MONTAGE (of this lesson)

russion revolution, new goverment that was also overthrown, huge demand for propaganda

experimental with films, chopped up old films and mushed them together
films could instruct the masses - tool of persuasion

Lev Kuleshov
D.w Griffith, he studied him
archive of old for his own experiments
what he found was the people responded differently to a film depending on what film was shown beforehand

Sergei Eisenstein

Metric montage- based on timing

Rhythmic - Cutting for continuity or by the content

Tonal - emotional content

Overthonal - combination of metric, rhythmic and tonal

Intellectual - seeks to express ideas

The Odessa Steps
The lack of orientation provides the symbolism of chaos,
the idea behind it is suppose to be confused, so that you can put yourself in the shoes of the people in the steps
the quick shots makes the film seem in a state of panic drawing you into the perspective of the people,
its supose to feel like a lot longer then the actual scenario would have been
make you feel what it would be like if you were there

North by North West
Naked Gun

Dziga Vertov
-worked as a camera man
- Coined the term, film eye ( Kino eye)
- Cut his films together to create an emotional effect
tried to create a unique language of cinema
his style was unmatched until the music video era
created one of the earliest Russian animations, Soviet toys

Vsevolod Pudovin
Leanse replaces the eye
Said actors didn't act it was the work of the camera
believed that montage worked differently.

Editing techniques: 
1) Contrast
2) Parallelism
4) Simultaneity
5) Leit Motiff

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