Thursday 15 March 2018

Step Outline

step outline

Under the Wing
By Juliet Revell

Toby and her dragon companion must once again fight of a monstrous duo, to stop them retrieving the focusing Crystal held in Toby's possession. 

1. INT. Toby's room – afternoon.
Vex is on the floor swishing her tail side to side in boredom. The bedroom door clicks and the door swings open. Vex smiled and bounces up onto Toby's back



Toby turns around and Vex jumps off and hovers in-front of her, grinning ear to ear.


Can we goo now, you did promise to buy my Ice-cream at the park, Don't tell me you forgot

Vex faking being offended. Toby smirks

alright, alright, just give me a second to get ready.

Vex pumps her fist


EXT. Local Park - afternoon.
Vex is staring in awe at her ridiculously tall Ice-cream.

you were saying

oh, like I said, your able to access my power through the focusing Crystal, seeing as my power is currently stuck inside of you.

Its hard to imagine a small fluffy dragon like you having so much power

Toby is giggling while brushing her finger against Vex

Ill have you know that this isn't my true form, with my magic I am an incredible beast, so majestic, so graceful, nothing can be compared on beauty.

Toby snorts. Vex looks a little offended,


and whats so funny about tha- ahh

The tall Ice-cream falls off the cone onto the ground, Vex is upset at the fact that she didn't even lick it.

Well thats unfortunate, just as this encounter shall be for you both,

2. EXT. Local Park - afternoon.

Noctus and Vivval Jump out of the Shaddows


Surpriize Vex, long time no see, it appears you still need to hide behind that human,

Vivval giggles

You wont hinder the revival of our master anylonger, its time you hand over the focusing crystle, or you will suffer the-

Toby throws what remains of her ice-cream at Noctus, Noctus is cut short by an ice-cream to the face, Toby had thrown it. Noctus is now enraged.


Fine. have it your way...

he growls wiping the ice-cream off his face, Noctus jumps up and crashed down punching into the ground causing a barrier to burst out and surround them.

Toby looks around and slowly pulls out the "wand" (focusing Crystal duck taped to stick)
Noctus rushes forward towards Toby only to be intercepted by Vex.


Not while im here

Vivval curves around drop kicking Toby. Toby gets back up 


ok ok, focus focus

Toby held the wand in one hand infront of her


you look rediculious with that thing, just hand it over and save your pain.

Toby grits her teeth. and Viv starts using her magic. she burst towards Toby.

Vivval stops right behind Toby and kicks her back sending her flying. However Toby managed to regain her composure. Holding the wand in front of her she focuses and the wand starts to glow.

Vex flaps up and swoops back down biting on Noctus's arm he slams her onto the ground. 

A flash of light and Vivval skids near them, Vex and Noctus look over at  Toby who had been knocked over by the blast as well and the wand had fallen out of her hand.



Noctus races towards her and the wand, Vex chases after. Noct dives for the wand but Vex grabs it in her jaws, Toby pulls Vex away by the tail and both of the sides regroup.

Both groups stare for a split second before letting loose a battle cry

Both sides rush at each other, Vex grabs onto Toby's back and flies up at the last minute, Toby uses the wand to blast the duo into the barrier breaking it.

Toby and Vex land, and Vivval and Noctus get up,


Brother we wont win today.

Noct glares at the two and reluctantly slinks off with his sister.

Noct turn his head


We will be back, you can count on the, we will get our hands on the focusing Crystal.

They monsters disappear.

2. EXT. Local Park - afternoon.

Toby sighs while smiling

Im glad that finally over,

Toby holds up and glances at the wand


Guess I finaly got this thing working huh?


Well its about time, all you need now is to learn how to properly utilize it and fooom, one step a head. on the other hand.

Vex is grinning at Toby


hmm? why are you looking at me like that Vex


Can you please get me another ice-cream i really was looking forward to one but i never got the chance to even lick it.


pfft, no chance fluff ball


whaaat come on


Not gonna happen that was your fault for dropping it


Was not, the monsters startled me


heh you dropped it before they burst out



(the last peice of dialog will be played at the scene fades out.)

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