Monday 12 March 2018

Conterversty over, "Birth of a Nation"

Conterversty over, "Birth of a Nation"

What is the name of the book that the film was based on?
The book that "Birth of a Nation" was based on was named "The Clansman" by Thomas Dixon
which tells the story of racism in the 1960's

Who does the film portray as the hero's?
The film portrays the members of the Ku Klux Klan as the hero's of this film

Who used the film as a recruiting tool?
Because of the films wild controversy, it became widely known and the members of the Ku Klux Klan took this to their advantage to recruit new members into their society.

How are the African American men portrayed?
The African Americans within the film "Birth of a Nation" were portrayed as Dangerous, lazy, brutish and overall bad people. Lustful people who go after women

Oscar Micheaux made a film called "Within our Gates" (1919) as a response to "Birth of a Nation" why?
The films was most likely created as  a retaliation of Griffiths "Birth of a Nation"
Holding a mirror back to them
creating a more realistic film

What was the name of Griffiths follow up film?
The name of the film that proceed "Birth of a Nation" was called "Intolerance" it was created in response to the retaliation of "Birth of a Nation" by Griffith.


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