Tuesday 6 March 2018

Proffs Notes 7/3/18

Tutorial Task 1 : Copyright

Kung Pow, Enter the Fist

you can copyright an idea but not a trait example (the Chosen one)

Literal trailers (Tobuscus)


Examples of Parody

Parody allows people to have their content advertised
 by other people making spoofs or parodies of their work.

Monty Python and the Holy grail
it comes close to infringing.
the original story is too old for copyright

- dream works,
middle finger to Disney, the fairy tales themselves are to old for copyright.
they do not belong to Disney.

Johnny English:
Not a copyright infringment. Main actor is a huge influence in the movie
example of fair use.
Parody of an idea/conventions.

Cartoons on thin Ice:
Dragon Ball Z sound track
The Simpsons
South Park
Rick and Morty
Family Guy
American Dad

Exeptions in copyright

Fair use
Parody, News Reporting, Reserch and Education

Copyright questions
1) Do I need permission to write a screenplay based on someone else's novel
Yes, only the author has the right to adapt the novel or work of Literacy.,

2) Can I use someone else's work in my work if I alter at least 10% of it?
No, you would still need permission of the author, 

3) Has a painter infringed copyright in my photograph by repoducing it as a painting
yes, however if the painter has merely painted the same image depicted in the photograph, there is no infringement of copyright

4) Burn a Cd for a friend?
no, need permission from author

5) what is the standard form of copyright notice

6)Can i include images of artistic works in my film
No, you need permission of the relevant copyright, there is an exception of accidental copyright.
buildings and sculptures should be fine

7) Can i include quotes from Literacy work
you would usually need permission however you are allowed if its incidental or non-essential to the film or work.

8) Permission for music?
yes from the owner of the music even if it is accidental.

9) does copyright protect my ideas
no, it does not protect ideas, only the form the ideas take. however under other laws they could possibly be protected.
They should be in a tabgable form

10) Idea for a novel hwo to I protect it
Write it down, give it physical form, or don't tell anyone about it.

11) Penilties for Infringement of Copyright
Paid what the owner of the copyright has list (aka fine) possibly prison?
Most likely a fine for Infringement though. a lot of money

12) What if someopes infringes my copyright
get advice from a lawyer

13) What does puplic domain refer to.
Where copyright is open to the public

14) Can I print and download Material from the Internet.
some yes some no (I CANT TYPE THAT FAST)
as student or for study I guess so

15) Is everything on the internet public dormain

16) Logos are they protected by copyright
copyright protects some Logo's 

17) Can I get copyright protection for my band name
no but you can trade mark it, registration stops people from using your trademarked title or Logo

18) If my work is inspired by an existing work, is my work protected by copyright.
It must be original it must originate from the author, 

19) Is my work protected by copyright overseas?
Yes NZ is under the copyright act

20) Can I reproduce work I have done for Clients
Yes with permission of the Client.
if you don't then no 
it also depends on who owns the copyright

21) If I am not paid by the client, Do i own the copyright
as long as the client has agreed to pay the copyright will be owned by the client however you are entitled to recover the debt from the client.

22) If a client commissions, I do art but don't complete it who owns the copyright
the client does.

23) Do i need permission to make copies to make a copy of photography I own.
not always

24) how can I prove i am the copyright owner
Time stamp, sent it to be registered, having the original date up

25) DO i need permission to photograph a building.
They can be photographed

26) do i need permission to photo random people on the streets,
No, though it can be sketchy depending on certain factors. 
should be OK if they are in a public place, best to avoid zooming in on particular people.

27) How can I prove someone has copied my work

28)(not that fast at typing dude)

29)How can I register my copyright and how much does it cost
no system in NZ, it is automatic and free,

30) Can I report copyright Infringments
not really. its up to the copyright owner,

31) D i need to acknowledge the source of something when i copy for personal or privite study
No but you Should!!!!

32) Can I screen a film and social club
No (i think not fast types)

33) Can i record a film on tv.to watch later
only for personal use.

 34) Can I translate a book without permission

35) do i need permission to upload a cop[y of a photo onto my website

36) can i Put copyright material on my website without permission from the Owner

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