Friday 30 March 2018

Vivval Character Bio

Bio ruff Information

Vivval Raith
Nickname(s): ----
Age: 28
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: they/them she/her
Vivval is a care-free, spastic and energetic monster, she is high energy and is easily bored, Vivval having a childish nature doesn't always know her/their limitations what it comes to other people and their feeling, she/they can be impatient, overbearing and picky from other peoples perspectives.

Likes: Spicy and hot foods, being praised,
Dislikes: Cold temperatures, waiting

Magic (energy magic - lightning base)
- Energy pulse, she is able to create blasts of energy around her pushing anything in the vivacity away from its source.
- Energy Blast. she is able to send out a burst of static energy out of her hands

Vivval and her/their brother Noctus lived in a small village within the monster world, at the age of 6 when the war of the big bad and those who opposed him started, their home was destroyed in the havoc. The big bad took them in to shelter them and most likely train them into solders for his army, but from the eyes of the monster children he was their savior.
During the war, they helped out in the background learning how to fight mend armor and heal wounds.

After the war ended (8 years, 14 years old) the big bad's army was scattered, The sibling ran of with a group of high ranking solders and a general, for 7 more years they lived in hiding, living in the world the big bad had told them was disgusting, the way it shouldn't be.
While venturing back to the old base to scout around for a new place to stay, Vivval and her brother discover where the big bad was sealed away and reported to the group, from then the group plan to fully bring back the big bad

 The group move in but are found by Vex, she kills of majority of the group and steals the focusing Crystal, Vivval and Notctus begin to hunt her down.

Noctus is her brother who has always been with her, Vivval has a close connection to her as he has been someone she has always looked up to, and feels safe around

Character References:


Thursday 22 March 2018

Blog Reserch

Vsevolod Pudovkin
Pudovkin said that the actors in films did not really act, that their performance is not what makes the film special but that, it is indeed the camera works and editing that truly makes a film. He believed that a montage did not work in the way most people though that it did, Pudovkin saw montage a linkage of frames compared to how it was originally conceived as a collection of cut frames placed together.

Dziga Vertov
Vertov Worked as a newsreel cameraman and and was the person to create the term, Film eye also known as Keno Eye/, Vertov believe fiction to be corrupting to the film industry and opted towards more realistic events within his films, using camera cuts to create tension and panic within his films. He wanted to capture life, real life, within his films, to show the world whats around them instead of creating fiction which various other people did. Even though he said fiction corrupts the film industry he has created one of the earliest Russian films.

Sergei Eisenstein
Eisenstein style of film had been influenced by events that had surfaced after the Russian Revolution,
He designed and created propaganda to keep peoples morals high while he was involved with the Red army.
Eisenstein followed a set of methods when creating montages:

Metric - Based on timing / number of frames
Rhythmic - Cutting for continuity / movement of within the frames.
Tonal - The tones of a shot Lighting, shapes and shadows
Overtonal - A combination of Metric, Rhythmic and Tonal
Intellectual - while the previous methods look for an emotion response this method looks to create and show ideas between the film and the viewer.

Monday 19 March 2018

Brave littlew toaster notes

how is it capitalist:
the new aplyentes at the new apartment,
song about more, more, more
new isn't nessiseroly better
Don;t believe in recycling
city people, wanting new things (the masters, girlfriend)

point of humanizing the appliances
humans appliances - conflicting
The master "Human feelings"
How would the audience feel about throwing away old things
Feelings connected to old objects.

The adventure:
Exploring the world
metaphor for different cultures and experiences
consumerism disregards and destructive to older ways and possibly better ways

The new appliances like to be valued, high of themselves
think they have more important.
the new got jealous of the old, new wants to be used
Old has sentimental value

allure out of new tech/ sentimental old value
new are necessarily useful.
old easy to use,

new desire over function

Time the Film is set: 1980s
not long after the start of postmodern

people were moving into the cities
Credit cards became a thing
HUGE consumer boom
Credit became available to everybody.
Increase in imports and exports.

possibly religious - the character refers to the boy as Master
Tv manipulated master by showing him the same add, adds are very influential towards what people intake and do

Soviet Montage Notes

WE GONNA NEED A MONTAGE (of this lesson)

russion revolution, new goverment that was also overthrown, huge demand for propaganda

experimental with films, chopped up old films and mushed them together
films could instruct the masses - tool of persuasion

Lev Kuleshov
D.w Griffith, he studied him
archive of old for his own experiments
what he found was the people responded differently to a film depending on what film was shown beforehand

Sergei Eisenstein

Metric montage- based on timing

Rhythmic - Cutting for continuity or by the content

Tonal - emotional content

Overthonal - combination of metric, rhythmic and tonal

Intellectual - seeks to express ideas

The Odessa Steps
The lack of orientation provides the symbolism of chaos,
the idea behind it is suppose to be confused, so that you can put yourself in the shoes of the people in the steps
the quick shots makes the film seem in a state of panic drawing you into the perspective of the people,
its supose to feel like a lot longer then the actual scenario would have been
make you feel what it would be like if you were there

North by North West
Naked Gun

Dziga Vertov
-worked as a camera man
- Coined the term, film eye ( Kino eye)
- Cut his films together to create an emotional effect
tried to create a unique language of cinema
his style was unmatched until the music video era
created one of the earliest Russian animations, Soviet toys

Vsevolod Pudovin
Leanse replaces the eye
Said actors didn't act it was the work of the camera
believed that montage worked differently.

Editing techniques: 
1) Contrast
2) Parallelism
4) Simultaneity
5) Leit Motiff

Thursday 15 March 2018

Step Outline

step outline

Under the Wing
By Juliet Revell

Toby and her dragon companion must once again fight of a monstrous duo, to stop them retrieving the focusing Crystal held in Toby's possession. 

1. INT. Toby's room – afternoon.
Vex is on the floor swishing her tail side to side in boredom. The bedroom door clicks and the door swings open. Vex smiled and bounces up onto Toby's back



Toby turns around and Vex jumps off and hovers in-front of her, grinning ear to ear.


Can we goo now, you did promise to buy my Ice-cream at the park, Don't tell me you forgot

Vex faking being offended. Toby smirks

alright, alright, just give me a second to get ready.

Vex pumps her fist


EXT. Local Park - afternoon.
Vex is staring in awe at her ridiculously tall Ice-cream.

you were saying

oh, like I said, your able to access my power through the focusing Crystal, seeing as my power is currently stuck inside of you.

Its hard to imagine a small fluffy dragon like you having so much power

Toby is giggling while brushing her finger against Vex

Ill have you know that this isn't my true form, with my magic I am an incredible beast, so majestic, so graceful, nothing can be compared on beauty.

Toby snorts. Vex looks a little offended,


and whats so funny about tha- ahh

The tall Ice-cream falls off the cone onto the ground, Vex is upset at the fact that she didn't even lick it.

Well thats unfortunate, just as this encounter shall be for you both,

2. EXT. Local Park - afternoon.

Noctus and Vivval Jump out of the Shaddows


Surpriize Vex, long time no see, it appears you still need to hide behind that human,

Vivval giggles

You wont hinder the revival of our master anylonger, its time you hand over the focusing crystle, or you will suffer the-

Toby throws what remains of her ice-cream at Noctus, Noctus is cut short by an ice-cream to the face, Toby had thrown it. Noctus is now enraged.


Fine. have it your way...

he growls wiping the ice-cream off his face, Noctus jumps up and crashed down punching into the ground causing a barrier to burst out and surround them.

Toby looks around and slowly pulls out the "wand" (focusing Crystal duck taped to stick)
Noctus rushes forward towards Toby only to be intercepted by Vex.


Not while im here

Vivval curves around drop kicking Toby. Toby gets back up 


ok ok, focus focus

Toby held the wand in one hand infront of her


you look rediculious with that thing, just hand it over and save your pain.

Toby grits her teeth. and Viv starts using her magic. she burst towards Toby.

Vivval stops right behind Toby and kicks her back sending her flying. However Toby managed to regain her composure. Holding the wand in front of her she focuses and the wand starts to glow.

Vex flaps up and swoops back down biting on Noctus's arm he slams her onto the ground. 

A flash of light and Vivval skids near them, Vex and Noctus look over at  Toby who had been knocked over by the blast as well and the wand had fallen out of her hand.



Noctus races towards her and the wand, Vex chases after. Noct dives for the wand but Vex grabs it in her jaws, Toby pulls Vex away by the tail and both of the sides regroup.

Both groups stare for a split second before letting loose a battle cry

Both sides rush at each other, Vex grabs onto Toby's back and flies up at the last minute, Toby uses the wand to blast the duo into the barrier breaking it.

Toby and Vex land, and Vivval and Noctus get up,


Brother we wont win today.

Noct glares at the two and reluctantly slinks off with his sister.

Noct turn his head


We will be back, you can count on the, we will get our hands on the focusing Crystal.

They monsters disappear.

2. EXT. Local Park - afternoon.

Toby sighs while smiling

Im glad that finally over,

Toby holds up and glances at the wand


Guess I finaly got this thing working huh?


Well its about time, all you need now is to learn how to properly utilize it and fooom, one step a head. on the other hand.

Vex is grinning at Toby


hmm? why are you looking at me like that Vex


Can you please get me another ice-cream i really was looking forward to one but i never got the chance to even lick it.


pfft, no chance fluff ball


whaaat come on


Not gonna happen that was your fault for dropping it


Was not, the monsters startled me


heh you dropped it before they burst out



(the last peice of dialog will be played at the scene fades out.)

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Reserch 14/3/18

Introducing Direct quotes:

Exercise 1:
Following are pairs of sentences. One is a statement, and the other source material to integrate as a quote. Use the source material as a quote in the main sentence. Try to use extracts from the sentence as well as the whole sentence.

The economy is looking much better.
"Millions of new jobs are emerging. Things are really on the upswing." (Frank Rank, A Cab Driver)

According to Frank Rank, an American cab driver "Millions of new jobs are emerging. Things are really on the upswing.", as Frank has stated within this quote, the number of job offers has been steadily rising in America.

In Frank Rank's perspective, as an American cab driver "Things are really on the upswing" for new jobs offers that have been increasing by millions.

It is more important then ever for Americans to forge a common identity.
"We need an identity that binds us together." (Frank Hairpeice, A Prominent Scholar)

It is more important then ever for Americans to forge a common identity, as a prominent scholar known as Frank Hairpiece has stated, "We need an identity that binds us together."

Prominent scholar Frank Hair-peace, maintains the idea that as Americans "We need an identity that binds us together".

Animal rights represent the next stage in human moral development
"If we don't change our ways, future generations will judge us harshly. We need to achieve a higher state of consciousness and empathy." (Yoshi Om, a Philosopher)

Animal rights are morally important as a basic human development in society. In the stated quote - "If we don't change our ways, future generations will judge us harshly. We need to achieve a higher state of consciousness and empathy." Decency is the key to improve ourselves as an example for the younger generations in the future to learn from.

every paragraph starts with and argument, info then analyse  each paragraph has a topic,
small essay, one topic per paragraph.

Evidence that makes your argument, = quotes from the essay we are reviewing and the people mentioned in the essay to support my argument.

Topic. Introduce the idea, quote here, that supports argument.

Essay Review Paragraph 2

How does Benshoff substantiate his statement that "Disney is the most recognizable name in animation, throughout both America and the world?

Disney opted for creating animations towards a large audience in the form of low art. The low art films were usually short animated films which drew in the attention of the masses
Marketing was a way of spreading their animations to America and the rest of the world
Pictorial realism

Disney incorporated mainstream trends as to draw people in at the time

Describe the modes of artistic production that Benshoff suggests correlate to the three stages of capitalist enterprise?
I was not able to understand this question

Outline what Benshoff goes on to say that his essay will discuss.?
He goes to to explain that the essay will talk about how Disney, has possibly created a new understanding of animation and the influence the world had on Disney and the influence Disney and on the world

Explain why you think that the author is proposing a comparitivve study of "Silly Symphonies and The Brave Little Toaster." How do you think he will use this to support his main argument?  
I think that he is going to compare them because of the difference in how they are presented and how the stories differ, adding to that I believe that the little toaster is a mixture of low and high are and that it will be compared and shown what the differences are or maybe he is going to say how even though time has evolved, Disney still produces low art.

In the introduction eg. paragraphs one and two, identify and explain where and how the author presents the following
- Topic (introduction of key issues/themes)
The topic of the essay is told at the end of the first part of the first paragrapgh. it is written right after a quick explination of high and low art forms, and people who have partaken in creation of high art.

- Definition ( definition of key terms)
Key terms withing this essay would be High and Low art, the definition of high and low art is discussed before the topic of the essay is introduced so that the reader will have an understanding of what the essay shall be about.

- Rationale (explain why the topic is of interest)
The topic of "Does Disney produce high or low art" is of interest is because through out the years, Disney has created so many different forms of film, being Silly Symphonies to Fantasia, finding out what the creation fall into being high, low or postmodern art form.

- Outline of the how essay is organised) 

The outline of the essay is discussed at the end of the second paragraph, Benshoff doesn't make the outline of what the essay will discuss clear, however Benshoff structures the essay by first talking about the highs and lows of Disney, going on about high arts they have created and low arts, it then goes into details of the low art, by discussing silly symphonies, then moving onto The Brave little Toaster.

Monday 12 March 2018

Conterversty over, "Birth of a Nation"

Conterversty over, "Birth of a Nation"

What is the name of the book that the film was based on?
The book that "Birth of a Nation" was based on was named "The Clansman" by Thomas Dixon
which tells the story of racism in the 1960's

Who does the film portray as the hero's?
The film portrays the members of the Ku Klux Klan as the hero's of this film

Who used the film as a recruiting tool?
Because of the films wild controversy, it became widely known and the members of the Ku Klux Klan took this to their advantage to recruit new members into their society.

How are the African American men portrayed?
The African Americans within the film "Birth of a Nation" were portrayed as Dangerous, lazy, brutish and overall bad people. Lustful people who go after women

Oscar Micheaux made a film called "Within our Gates" (1919) as a response to "Birth of a Nation" why?
The films was most likely created as  a retaliation of Griffiths "Birth of a Nation"
Holding a mirror back to them
creating a more realistic film

What was the name of Griffiths follow up film?
The name of the film that proceed "Birth of a Nation" was called "Intolerance" it was created in response to the retaliation of "Birth of a Nation" by Griffith.


Thursday 8 March 2018

Story Update

Toby is walking home, walking don the pathway towards her home in a sulkily mood, Vex is inside the attic swishing her tail around, bored, she pricks up hearing Toby coming home,

Vex zooms down onto her demanding the go to the park, while constantly reminding her that she promised her she would get to try this Ice-cream thing. Toby sighs and said she need to get ready first Vex is happy with her accomplishment.

Cut to them sitting on a park bench (vex with a ridiculously big ice-cream) in the park, they are talking about Vexs past, herr power and her true form. while eating ice-cream, but before Vex can lick or bit her ice cram it falls into the ground, Vival and Noctus burst out of the shadows with general bad guy banter.

Toby throws her Ice-cream into Nocts face to shut him up, he wipes it off, They demand they hand over the focusing Crystal, which is currently duck taped onto a stick making a makeshift wand, Vex refused and tells them to get lost. Noctus "fine.. ..have it your way"

 Noctus vs Vex
Vivval vs Toby

Noctus puts a barrier up to prevent the two from escaping, and giving them an advantage. The antagonists begin attacking Vex and Toby, Vex tells Toby to harness her power through the focusing Crystal. Toby begins using the Crystal to fire attacks at Vivval. Toby is blasted back and the Crystal is knocked out of her hand by Vivval and is gaining on her aiming for bother Toby and the Crystal.

Vex lets out a burst of magic fire that hits in front of Vivval forcing her back. and the protagonist regroup. Vex and Toby join together, with Vex powering Toby with magic and her channeling it through the Crystal, together to defeat the antagonists and break the barrier Noctus and Vivval were blasted back and smashed against the barrier.

 Vivval picks Noctus up he refused to give up but she says they need to retreat, Noctus says that it is not over and he will return, Vivval drags him off. Vex and Toby and recovering,

Toby brings up that vex used magic, and asked is she sure she ever actually lost her power, if so that doesn't explain how Toby can use magic.

I thought you couldn't use magic anymore
Neither did I,
 I thought I lost my power, it should still be within you.
Well maybe you didn't all of it

Vex interrupts with a cry, saying she didn't get to eat her Ice-cream

there could be more talking about how vex lost her power though i might not have time and it will just dragon on, instead, from here Vex could cut the conversation short and asks her if they can get more Ice-cream and the two start arguing.

Character notes - Protagonists

Toby: Age: 14

Toby was conceived by accident, growing up she never had the support she needed growing up, as her parents didn't care for her much, while they did look after they never encouraged in any department causing her to have a low self asteem, She kept to herself in school and blended into the background drawing the odd bully or two growing up.

Toby is very independent and tends to do everything by herself and doesn't seem to ask for help whenever she needs it, she had to know how to help herself growing up.

Toby is Intelligent and is Decent in physical aspects however she is no athlete.

Caring and protecting over those close to her,


Vex: Age: 50

Vex is enthusiastic and optimistic, however loosing her power took a toll on her, she hates being powerless or weak, She does try to cover it up with her happy personality. this isn't constant she can be happy but she does have spurts of feeling down because of it, insecurities, that come and go, though she hides it as a way of dealing with it, she is not very good with dealing with emotions.

Vex put her all into something she has decided to do
she can be harsh and rash

Incredibly stubborn

possessive over things she owns and people she likes

Vex is an emotion driven person


Vex's current form or small form if you will, is not her true form, she could turn into this form however it is not her true form, she was reverted to this form after loosing "all" her power.

(22) yrs ago)
Vex fought in a war to seal away the big bad, she was on big bad's side however she ended up betraying him and helping seal him away. 21 years later Vex finds out the Twins Vivval and Noctus are planning on reviving the big bad, they are not the only ones, Vex steals something known as a focusing Crystal, which is a key item (but not the only) thing needed in reviving the big bad, Vex flees to another world but in her escape her power was stripped from her, both her and her power were blasted into another world

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Silly Symphonies

Moth and the Flame:
Disaster management
Leading someone on
Stick to your man
Don't cheat on ya partner
Flirting can be dangerous

Audience - Children

Problematic for children

Don't Play with fire
Scandalous Moth
beauty and brains aren't usually mixed

the female is very humanoid and the male is not on the fair side. The female was very serialized,
 and attention seeking, (sexual object, to be desired)
Male character ends up being the pawns. to be tempted to the female.

The Cookie Carnival 
Beauty contest.
Cinderella theme with the main cookie girl
she had to choose a king
how your appearance can be deceiving
Girl was vapid, based on her wanting to be pretty

Devil cakes
liquorice girl was a racist stereotype, black choco eclairs pulling a cart.

Society Norms

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Proffs Notes 7/3/18

Tutorial Task 1 : Copyright

Kung Pow, Enter the Fist

you can copyright an idea but not a trait example (the Chosen one)

Literal trailers (Tobuscus)


Examples of Parody

Parody allows people to have their content advertised
 by other people making spoofs or parodies of their work.

Monty Python and the Holy grail
it comes close to infringing.
the original story is too old for copyright

- dream works,
middle finger to Disney, the fairy tales themselves are to old for copyright.
they do not belong to Disney.

Johnny English:
Not a copyright infringment. Main actor is a huge influence in the movie
example of fair use.
Parody of an idea/conventions.

Cartoons on thin Ice:
Dragon Ball Z sound track
The Simpsons
South Park
Rick and Morty
Family Guy
American Dad

Exeptions in copyright

Fair use
Parody, News Reporting, Reserch and Education

Copyright questions
1) Do I need permission to write a screenplay based on someone else's novel
Yes, only the author has the right to adapt the novel or work of Literacy.,

2) Can I use someone else's work in my work if I alter at least 10% of it?
No, you would still need permission of the author, 

3) Has a painter infringed copyright in my photograph by repoducing it as a painting
yes, however if the painter has merely painted the same image depicted in the photograph, there is no infringement of copyright

4) Burn a Cd for a friend?
no, need permission from author

5) what is the standard form of copyright notice

6)Can i include images of artistic works in my film
No, you need permission of the relevant copyright, there is an exception of accidental copyright.
buildings and sculptures should be fine

7) Can i include quotes from Literacy work
you would usually need permission however you are allowed if its incidental or non-essential to the film or work.

8) Permission for music?
yes from the owner of the music even if it is accidental.

9) does copyright protect my ideas
no, it does not protect ideas, only the form the ideas take. however under other laws they could possibly be protected.
They should be in a tabgable form

10) Idea for a novel hwo to I protect it
Write it down, give it physical form, or don't tell anyone about it.

11) Penilties for Infringement of Copyright
Paid what the owner of the copyright has list (aka fine) possibly prison?
Most likely a fine for Infringement though. a lot of money

12) What if someopes infringes my copyright
get advice from a lawyer

13) What does puplic domain refer to.
Where copyright is open to the public

14) Can I print and download Material from the Internet.
some yes some no (I CANT TYPE THAT FAST)
as student or for study I guess so

15) Is everything on the internet public dormain

16) Logos are they protected by copyright
copyright protects some Logo's 

17) Can I get copyright protection for my band name
no but you can trade mark it, registration stops people from using your trademarked title or Logo

18) If my work is inspired by an existing work, is my work protected by copyright.
It must be original it must originate from the author, 

19) Is my work protected by copyright overseas?
Yes NZ is under the copyright act

20) Can I reproduce work I have done for Clients
Yes with permission of the Client.
if you don't then no 
it also depends on who owns the copyright

21) If I am not paid by the client, Do i own the copyright
as long as the client has agreed to pay the copyright will be owned by the client however you are entitled to recover the debt from the client.

22) If a client commissions, I do art but don't complete it who owns the copyright
the client does.

23) Do i need permission to make copies to make a copy of photography I own.
not always

24) how can I prove i am the copyright owner
Time stamp, sent it to be registered, having the original date up

25) DO i need permission to photograph a building.
They can be photographed

26) do i need permission to photo random people on the streets,
No, though it can be sketchy depending on certain factors. 
should be OK if they are in a public place, best to avoid zooming in on particular people.

27) How can I prove someone has copied my work

28)(not that fast at typing dude)

29)How can I register my copyright and how much does it cost
no system in NZ, it is automatic and free,

30) Can I report copyright Infringments
not really. its up to the copyright owner,

31) D i need to acknowledge the source of something when i copy for personal or privite study
No but you Should!!!!

32) Can I screen a film and social club
No (i think not fast types)

33) Can i record a film on watch later
only for personal use.

 34) Can I translate a book without permission

35) do i need permission to upload a cop[y of a photo onto my website

36) can i Put copyright material on my website without permission from the Owner

Monday 5 March 2018

Five examples of Parody

1) Fanart
Fanart falls under the fair use law of parody,
this includes and is not limited to drawings and videos.

2) Fanvideo/animation
Music also falls under the fair use law. this one falls under parody. as it is a form of fanart

3) Fan Fiction
Fan fiction falls under the Parody section of fair use.

4) Review
this review would be clasifiec under review/education of the fair use law

5) music videos icluding copywrited materical fall under parody

3-6 class notes

modern influence Disney adapted and and turned it mainstream

adopted popular music,
nothing unique would be possible as the animations would be mass produced- animator\
don't agree, even if something is mass produced it can still be creative

depends on what the product is

primarily made to make money not art
Fantasia - financial loss - experimental, people didn't understand the meaning behind the animations

New music - more popular - didn't want another financial loss,

mass - large a lot
production - creation corporate setting money
produce a lot of context

conformity - someone expected to perform to expected society

creation goes against conformance

not good for that period.

can produce non conformance - fantasia

mass production can be creative, introducing new things, is a risk but at the same time creative but not for everyone
everyone is biast

formula - consistent, popular, profitable

profit = popular, consistent formula, even something creative must stick to certain rules

manipulate book stories so they will be popular, still the same characters

Disney movie some, are created from other people but twisted around to be even more popular

take something popular and re create it in your eyes
basically sequels stay within a boundary. so the audience wont turn away

Lion king was a risk as it had no human characters,

risk/conformity - eds of the spectrum\
conformist - wont take risk

beauty and the beast remake, creative product
beast looks a bit too human

pg13, can have violence but not too much

they are huge right now, in terms of audience it will be popular, for an existing audience


James Stuart Blackton
Emile Cohl
Martin Thronton
Winsor Mccay
Ladislaw Starwicz

These people were known animators from the 1905's onward they all partook in a form of animation, some also containing live action and some not. One of the films was said to be the first film to be animated in colour, unlike its predecessors which merely had painted film frames. All the artists listed have animations that are or rumored to be the first of something for example, Emile Cohl was considered to have created the first fully animated film and James has said to have created the first drawn animation on film.
From live-action with animation in it to complete cartoons and stop motion in this time period animators were very experimental in what they did and created.

James Stuart Blackton:
James was a cameraman and director his carer boosted when he mentioned to Edison that he liked to draw, James was also known to be a founder of the animated film or so it is said.

Emile Cohl:
Emile was part of a group that partook in presentations for people who could not draw, the group the Emile was involved in Emile used this to create art in a new medium, he pulled and streched his creation of animation, anything in his films was possible and that was one of the films that laid the path for new animations.

Martin Thronton:
Martin made use of two different mediums in his filmed namely live action and animation. it was said to be one of the first animations to be animated in colour though unlike it predecessor the process of tinting the film to give it colour was not used, instead the film was created by using various filters as it was created the process was known as Kinemacolour.

Winsor Mccay:
Said to be the first classical animator of his time.

Ladislaw Starewicz:
The form of film Ladislaw created was stop-motion, his films were wildly successful, one of his films included moving around beetles and other various bugs by using wax on the bug models he was able to move, take apart, and reattach limbs to create his stop motion animation.

George Melies:
what techniques did he create?
George created various techniques such as, people bursting into smoke in his films, he discovered this by accident when his equipment for filming had jammed, and thanks to that he had discovered an important aspect of filming and the trick of stop-frame.. These techniques made his films extremely popular, and he introduced new genres to the film industry such as, science-fiction and fantasy. Other techniques he created were, Reverse motion, fade in and out and cutting within the camera.

How did they influence new films?
As his films and the techniques used were wildly popular this in turn inspired more people to create films with the same aspects of his, people wanted to create stories within the new and exciting genre that George had created.
(though I have a feeling some just wanted to ride along the popularity train as is usually the case with things like these)

How has he been and influence to films in my list?
Many of the films I love and enjoy are within the fantasy genre, thanks to George skyrocketing the genre, films in the future are created in such genre letting peoples imagination run wild with no limitations.

Thursday 1 March 2018


Juliet. 2018000072

Working title: Under the Wing/ Under your Wing 

Vex and her human companion Toby must once again fend off the monstrous duo Vivval and her brother Noctus, from retrieving the focusing Crystal held in Toby's possession.

Toby is walking home, walking don the pathway towards her home in a sulkily mood, Vex is inside the attic swishing her tail around, bored, she pricks up hearing Toby coming home, Vex zooms down onto her demanding the go to the park, while constantly reminding her that she promised her she would get to try this Ice-cream thing. Toby sighs and said she need to get ready first Vex is happy with her accomplishment.

Cut to them walking in the park, they are having small talk while eating ice-cream. Vival and Noctus burst out of the shadows with general bad guy banter.

Toby and vex drop their I-cream Vex is pissed, They demand they hand over the focusing Crystal, which is currently duck taped onto a stick making a makeshift wand, Vex refused and tells them to get lost. Noctus "fine.. ..have it your way" Noctus summons a monster, jumps on it and attacks with his sister. Toby and Vex weve through their attacks while Toby struggles to use the focusing Crystal to blast attacks at the monster and Vex is fighting off side.

Noctus vs Toby
Vivval vs Vex

 Toby is pinned down by the monster and Vex lets out a burst of magic fire that hits the beast it recoils and the protagonist regroup. Vex and Toby join together, with Vex powering Toby with magic and her channeling it through the Crystal, together to destroy the best and injure Noctus. Vivval fight them off picking Noctus up he refused to give up but she says they need to retreat, Noctus says that it is not over and he will return, Vivval drags him off.

Vex and Toby and recovering, Toby brings up that vex used magic, and asked is she sure she ever actually lost her power, if so that doesn't explain how Toby can use magic.

I thought you couldn't use magic anymore
Neither did I, I thought I lost my power, it should still be within you.
Well maybe you didn't all of it

there could be more talking about how vex lost her power though i might not have time and it will just dragon on, instead, from here Vex could cut the conversation short and asks her if they can get more Ice-cream and the two start arguing.

Toby has light brown hair with one side shaved long bangs on one side and the rest of her hair pinned into a bun, she wears a simple purple hoodie blue pants and black shoes.

Vex is a small white dragon (about the size of a house cat) covered in fine fur, she has bat like wings and bright blue eyes with 3 horns on each side, two pointing up and the four lower pointing downward.

Vivval has a humanoid shape with heavy cat features, she has an extra joint in her leg and between her large cat like ears and a small fluffy Mohawk and on her back a short flowing tail.

Noctus has a similar appearance to his sister other then the fact the his Mohawk and tail are longer then hers.