Tuesday 15 May 2018

Women Without Men

Thoughts so far: (only watched the first half so far)
I find it such a shame things like this have happened and still happen in the world, Its sad that some men think of women as things as property that they haven't woken up to reality and are still living inside their twisted minds, Though a lot of people have moved on from this childish facade not all have.

The film itself was released in 2009 directed by Shirin Neshat, it focuses on the lives of four women who live in 1953, it explores how they live and the conditions of their neighborhood and society at the time in Iran.

Women of Iran: (Modern times)
According to a post on Quora the women in Iran are underestimated in their education, and are more educated then the outside world thinks, (This is most likely Bias though so im taking this info with a grain of salt) the post holds them in a good light not looking down upon them or belittling them. It was created by a person who lives with their wife in Iran.

The Hijab: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/beliefs/hijab_1.shtml
The word Hijab means barrier/partition in Iran
In Iran it is considered being modest wearing one.
It can sometime only refer to the hijab worn over the head however this can extent to covering everything else minis things such as the eyes.
The hijab is suppose to be worn in front of men who could be potential spouces, males of the family and other women are ok.

I might possibly go into Modesty for writing my essay, it is an intriguing topic, and how ti is viewed across the world
(How has the place change from then and now)

SOURCES And Links to things I didn't bother Summerising (aka doing it later)

(Ya I know Wikipedia isn't a good source but I'm tired and am already too bloody think to understand how to write and find things that are actually good)

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