Monday 28 May 2018

Blog thing

Screen Arts:
Classical Hollywood:

Classical Hollywood is a period of time, it is also refereed to as the Golden age

Major and Minor studios:
The major studios at the time of Classical Hollywood included studios such as 20th Century fox, Warner Bros. Studios, the smaller studios were those such as Universal, United artists and Collmbis (I can't read the writing the libitery gal)

The studio system:
The studio system took a huge role within the time of Classical Hollywood, It allowed the studios to create and distribute their films as they wished. the system worked somewhat like a pyramid, the biggest studios got the best choices and options while the smaller studios, not so much.

The Hay's code
The Hay's code was put in place around the latter strange of the 1920's, it was trying to make films more respectful in societies eyes. It was a guide of what could be shown in films, making sure nothing would be too inappropriate for the audience that were to view the films.

The Star system
Stars of the studios, the stars that were in certin films had contracts with the studios, The actors claimed the felt owned by the studios, as they had the contracts and appeared in the film only a studio made.

Narrative structure
A narrative structure, is what is commonly used in films, its contains a clear beginning middle and end to the story. It provides a conclusive and resolved ending to a film, and have a linear narrative throughout the film.

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