Wednesday 9 May 2018

Blog reserch

What movement did Surrealism evolve from?
Surrealism originated from Dada, it was a cultural
movement that began after world war 1 from around
1916 to 1922, Majority of the works were of painting,
literature and cinema.

Who founded the surrealist movement and drafted the surrealist manifesto?
The Surrealist Manifesto was created by Andre Breton,
he was a contributor within the Dada movement.

What are the aims of surrealist films and animations?
The aims are to swipe aside normal narrative forms and go for a jarring and unexplained concept, its purpose is to shock and disrupt the normal, doing the unthinkable and the unusual. It evoked feeling withing the viewers, making them think, question, and baffle them.

Provide an overview of film makers/animators covered in class, who's work you found interesting?

Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali
Un Chien Andalou - a colab between both the artists.
The film was a dream like sequence of a film, and was inspired from their own dreams.
I found this one interesting and to a point funny, The type of things that happened like the Male groping the woman was something I would never have expected from an old film as that sort of thing was taboo at the time, to have in media, though that was not the only thing that drew my attention, it confused me when he was pulling along two pianos, with a dead donkey atop one of them.

Jean Cocteau
He not Only created films he also had a hand in various other things, such as poetry, writing novels, and painting.
The trailer for one of his films shown in class was, alright, Some aspects of it interested me but others failed to catch my interest, one of the interesting scenes, was when a man was looking into a mirror, then he dropped into it, reveling that he was really balanced on some sort of troff filled to the brim with water.

Man Ray
Man Ray was the only american to have a major role withing the dada movement,
I found his film pretty boring, while the surreal images and shapes were pretty for a second, they were dragged out, too long for me.

Maya Deren
Meshes of the afternoon
The beginning of the film was alright, however the repetitive scenes with little change in them got boring very quickly

 Walerian Borowcyzk
He was a Polish film maker and also an animator

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