Monday 7 May 2018

Eraser Head

Surrealist film

First of I found the film slow paced and boring, it seemed as if it was based on some wacky dream
the main character had, it could extent to the fear of becoming a parent in real life, and this in turn has a devastating effect in the dream-scape. The lack of common scene and lack of narrative made it a surreal film, every concept is floating and things are all unclear

 on other terms it could be some sort of mental disorder that the main character has, or ya know humans that somehow got mixed up and ended up having an alien child that they Really shouldn't have.

I don't mind surrealist film but ones such as these, I really don't love them, it was just to slow paced
and not many interesting things happening, In terms of surreal it didn't seem that distorted to me imagery wise, rather concept wise. The slow passed must have been to cause tension and unnerve the audience. I don't think its a slow pace alone that makes me dislike this film, nor the lack of narrative.(Though seeing as its the morning and im tired as hell does not help)

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