Monday 7 May 2018

Screen arts

Surreal cinema

David Lynch - Rabbits
It gives of an erray atmosphere, its unsettling to its viewers
Dada - people saying how silly War is

Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali
Dream like sequences
based on dreams they had

Jean Cocteau:

Man Ray
Only american to play a major role in both Dada and Surrealist movements

Maya Deren
Meshes of the afterlife.

Reoccuring things:
Walking up the stairs

Walerian Borowcyzk
Did film and animation
Scratchy drawings, animated photos and live action

Jan Svankmajeer
Stop motion
-(how shapeshifters make babies XD lol)

Hitchcock - Spellbound

- Salvador signed a contract with Disney
1999 worked on fantasia.

(Proposal: chose something in surreal art to study DUE WEEK 12
look into Rabbits and Desino
What we view
Dreams, fabric of reality and space, how our minds can be warped
Pulling at the mind
No meaning or scence
(goal, to make people question themselves and what the hell they are seeing, to creep and weird people out, by creating disturbing and pulled imagery. Escape from reality, people trying to escape this messed up world by tearing their mind apart.

We will meet again.
Two people say they will meet in the next life.
Reborn, they keep killing themselves untill they meet again.

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