Monday 28 May 2018


Golden Age of American animation:
This was the prime time of development in animation, it was the era when sound was being introduced and later on colour. Though some thought no one would want to hear a character speak this movement helped skyrocket the animation industry giving it a future

An animator from the Golden Age:
Walt Disney, a well known animator and creator of the Disney Company, he created various animations most notable are his silly symphonies.

What character did they create:
One of the many characters he created was Micky mouse, which to this day is a very popular Disney Icon for the company, he first debuted in the animation Steamboat Willie along with Minnie Mouse and Pete.

What Studio(s) did they work for:
Walt Disney worked for his studio, Walt Disney Studios.
His own company and creation (it is named after him after all)

What changes to the character were made over time:
Over time Micky mouse has made a lot of changed, while his outfit is similar from old to new, he has a more refined style now, and of course, is now in colour, Micky also makes various appearance in multiple media with different designs and example of this is the game colab between Disney and Square Enix known as Kingdom Hearts.

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