Monday 28 May 2018

Screen Arts Proposal

Screen Arts Proposal

Is it true art to have meaning behind it or is it merely to confuse and shock its audience?

Is it a reflection of the subconscious mind
Makes scenes to very few,
makes you think and delve into meaning
deep thinking deep thoughts


I chose the surreal to study firstly, because out of all the options it was the only one that sounded interesting, but also just because it pulls at the mind, streaches the limitations of reality, makes you question everything.

Pioneer to study: David Lynch
Overview: David Lynch was a surrealist film maker from America, Born in 1946, he moved around a lot as a child due to his fathers work (APA), David Lynch was married and had a son around the age of 21,

Overview of their work:Some of Davids Lynch's works include, Erazorhead (1977), The Elephant man (1980) Blue Velvet (1986). One of his works by the title of "Erazorhead" was one of his first films and was inspired by the living conditions of the neighborhood in Philadelphia in which he had lived a while.

Another one of his works Rabbits (2002)

Techniques and methods used: And how they are used to convey meaning

Timing, in his films there are always long pauses, though it can get boring in some cases, it can cause tensions and unease in the atmosphere, in these pauses there is rarely any sound,

How i'm going to incorporate techniques and explore in my own works:

Equipment and Software I will use:
I will mainly be using Photoshop as it has many tools I find useful for drawing, and it is possible to create giff's withing the program so that might take a part withing my body of work.
I also might possible use Fire alpaca, though that is more unlikely,
I can see it possible to use ToonBoom to animate some aspects of an artwork then transfer it into a gif.

Experiments to be conducted and intended results:
I want the effect of my work to be unsettling and disturbing, I want to try and create flashing images (not too fast as that can have negative effects on some people) For example it may come across as some sort of glitch or lightning, even a flickering lamp.

I want to see whether having the picture simplistic or cluttered, I want to find out how with will effect the atmosphere within the image and how my viewers will react to each one.
Seeing as i'm going for a sort of horror/thriller theme, inspired from David Lynches two films Rabbits and Erazorhead, I want to mess around with grey scale, and dull colors, while greyscale can make something creepy dull colors in the right places might enhance the creepy factor of my experimental works.



Golden Age of American animation:
This was the prime time of development in animation, it was the era when sound was being introduced and later on colour. Though some thought no one would want to hear a character speak this movement helped skyrocket the animation industry giving it a future

An animator from the Golden Age:
Walt Disney, a well known animator and creator of the Disney Company, he created various animations most notable are his silly symphonies.

What character did they create:
One of the many characters he created was Micky mouse, which to this day is a very popular Disney Icon for the company, he first debuted in the animation Steamboat Willie along with Minnie Mouse and Pete.

What Studio(s) did they work for:
Walt Disney worked for his studio, Walt Disney Studios.
His own company and creation (it is named after him after all)

What changes to the character were made over time:
Over time Micky mouse has made a lot of changed, while his outfit is similar from old to new, he has a more refined style now, and of course, is now in colour, Micky also makes various appearance in multiple media with different designs and example of this is the game colab between Disney and Square Enix known as Kingdom Hearts.

Blog thing

Screen Arts:
Classical Hollywood:

Classical Hollywood is a period of time, it is also refereed to as the Golden age

Major and Minor studios:
The major studios at the time of Classical Hollywood included studios such as 20th Century fox, Warner Bros. Studios, the smaller studios were those such as Universal, United artists and Collmbis (I can't read the writing the libitery gal)

The studio system:
The studio system took a huge role within the time of Classical Hollywood, It allowed the studios to create and distribute their films as they wished. the system worked somewhat like a pyramid, the biggest studios got the best choices and options while the smaller studios, not so much.

The Hay's code
The Hay's code was put in place around the latter strange of the 1920's, it was trying to make films more respectful in societies eyes. It was a guide of what could be shown in films, making sure nothing would be too inappropriate for the audience that were to view the films.

The Star system
Stars of the studios, the stars that were in certin films had contracts with the studios, The actors claimed the felt owned by the studios, as they had the contracts and appeared in the film only a studio made.

Narrative structure
A narrative structure, is what is commonly used in films, its contains a clear beginning middle and end to the story. It provides a conclusive and resolved ending to a film, and have a linear narrative throughout the film.

Wednesday 23 May 2018




now I just need to do line art and possibly shading if i have the time and BOOM all art done

I did end up removing most of the double fights mainly because I don't think it was vital anymore and it was a way to make my already long story a bit shorter

Tuesday 15 May 2018


I only made a little progress today but the single fights should be complete soon, I hope I will have time for the line art T-T

Women Without Men

Thoughts so far: (only watched the first half so far)
I find it such a shame things like this have happened and still happen in the world, Its sad that some men think of women as things as property that they haven't woken up to reality and are still living inside their twisted minds, Though a lot of people have moved on from this childish facade not all have.

The film itself was released in 2009 directed by Shirin Neshat, it focuses on the lives of four women who live in 1953, it explores how they live and the conditions of their neighborhood and society at the time in Iran.

Women of Iran: (Modern times)
According to a post on Quora the women in Iran are underestimated in their education, and are more educated then the outside world thinks, (This is most likely Bias though so im taking this info with a grain of salt) the post holds them in a good light not looking down upon them or belittling them. It was created by a person who lives with their wife in Iran.

The Hijab:
The word Hijab means barrier/partition in Iran
In Iran it is considered being modest wearing one.
It can sometime only refer to the hijab worn over the head however this can extent to covering everything else minis things such as the eyes.
The hijab is suppose to be worn in front of men who could be potential spouces, males of the family and other women are ok.

I might possibly go into Modesty for writing my essay, it is an intriguing topic, and how ti is viewed across the world
(How has the place change from then and now)

SOURCES And Links to things I didn't bother Summerising (aka doing it later)
(Ya I know Wikipedia isn't a good source but I'm tired and am already too bloody think to understand how to write and find things that are actually good)

Sunday 13 May 2018

PROGRESS walk cycles

After animating this I decided that the bouncy walk was a bit much for Vivval and her walk cycle would be more flat yet still have a slight bounce or sway to it. I'm not going to start over as I am already a way through animating the bouncy walk. but for future animations of Vivval her walk probably wont be as bouncy.
taken from:

Thursday 10 May 2018


Just got up to the fight scene, im gonna need to do a lot of work to get this fight sequence done.
The drawings are very sketchy but when I've done the ruff I will go over with basic details.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Blog reserch

What movement did Surrealism evolve from?
Surrealism originated from Dada, it was a cultural
movement that began after world war 1 from around
1916 to 1922, Majority of the works were of painting,
literature and cinema.

Who founded the surrealist movement and drafted the surrealist manifesto?
The Surrealist Manifesto was created by Andre Breton,
he was a contributor within the Dada movement.

What are the aims of surrealist films and animations?
The aims are to swipe aside normal narrative forms and go for a jarring and unexplained concept, its purpose is to shock and disrupt the normal, doing the unthinkable and the unusual. It evoked feeling withing the viewers, making them think, question, and baffle them.

Provide an overview of film makers/animators covered in class, who's work you found interesting?

Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali
Un Chien Andalou - a colab between both the artists.
The film was a dream like sequence of a film, and was inspired from their own dreams.
I found this one interesting and to a point funny, The type of things that happened like the Male groping the woman was something I would never have expected from an old film as that sort of thing was taboo at the time, to have in media, though that was not the only thing that drew my attention, it confused me when he was pulling along two pianos, with a dead donkey atop one of them.

Jean Cocteau
He not Only created films he also had a hand in various other things, such as poetry, writing novels, and painting.
The trailer for one of his films shown in class was, alright, Some aspects of it interested me but others failed to catch my interest, one of the interesting scenes, was when a man was looking into a mirror, then he dropped into it, reveling that he was really balanced on some sort of troff filled to the brim with water.

Man Ray
Man Ray was the only american to have a major role withing the dada movement,
I found his film pretty boring, while the surreal images and shapes were pretty for a second, they were dragged out, too long for me.

Maya Deren
Meshes of the afternoon
The beginning of the film was alright, however the repetitive scenes with little change in them got boring very quickly

 Walerian Borowcyzk
He was a Polish film maker and also an animator

Monday 7 May 2018

Eraser Head

Surrealist film

First of I found the film slow paced and boring, it seemed as if it was based on some wacky dream
the main character had, it could extent to the fear of becoming a parent in real life, and this in turn has a devastating effect in the dream-scape. The lack of common scene and lack of narrative made it a surreal film, every concept is floating and things are all unclear

 on other terms it could be some sort of mental disorder that the main character has, or ya know humans that somehow got mixed up and ended up having an alien child that they Really shouldn't have.

I don't mind surrealist film but ones such as these, I really don't love them, it was just to slow paced
and not many interesting things happening, In terms of surreal it didn't seem that distorted to me imagery wise, rather concept wise. The slow passed must have been to cause tension and unnerve the audience. I don't think its a slow pace alone that makes me dislike this film, nor the lack of narrative.(Though seeing as its the morning and im tired as hell does not help)

Screen arts

Surreal cinema

David Lynch - Rabbits
It gives of an erray atmosphere, its unsettling to its viewers
Dada - people saying how silly War is

Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali
Dream like sequences
based on dreams they had

Jean Cocteau:

Man Ray
Only american to play a major role in both Dada and Surrealist movements

Maya Deren
Meshes of the afterlife.

Reoccuring things:
Walking up the stairs

Walerian Borowcyzk
Did film and animation
Scratchy drawings, animated photos and live action

Jan Svankmajeer
Stop motion
-(how shapeshifters make babies XD lol)

Hitchcock - Spellbound

- Salvador signed a contract with Disney
1999 worked on fantasia.

(Proposal: chose something in surreal art to study DUE WEEK 12
look into Rabbits and Desino
What we view
Dreams, fabric of reality and space, how our minds can be warped
Pulling at the mind
No meaning or scence
(goal, to make people question themselves and what the hell they are seeing, to creep and weird people out, by creating disturbing and pulled imagery. Escape from reality, people trying to escape this messed up world by tearing their mind apart.

We will meet again.
Two people say they will meet in the next life.
Reborn, they keep killing themselves untill they meet again.