Sunday 8 April 2018

Vivval Full Bio

Vivval Character Bio

Vivval Raith is a 28 year old monster from another world from earth,Vivval is a non-binary creature however, she goes by female pro-nouns, Vivval has a humanoid figure, her legs are similar to a cats hind legs along with her feet, as for her hands she only has four fingers tipped with sharp claws.
Vivval is covered in head to toe is a reddish brown fur and has a pinkish mohawk and tail, on either side of her head are two giant cat shaped ears, Vivval has a flat face with a cat like mouth and a disk surrounding her face like a barn owl has, with no visible nose. She wears blue shorts and a high cut tank top with a circle shape in the center exposing the center of her flat chest.
Vivval is a care-free, spastic and energetic monster, she is high energy and is easily bored, Having a childish nature she doesn't always know her limitations when it comes to other people and their feelings, she can be impatient, overbearing and picky from other peoples perspectives. Vivals only family is her brother Noctus, her brother has always been with her watching over her and always helping her, no matter what she stays loyal to her brother and follows in his footsteps.
Unlike her brother Vivval is capable of using magic, her magic is lightning based but is used in the form on pulses of energy she shoots out from her hands, she is also, very flexible
Vivval and her brother Noctus lived in a small village within the monster world, at the age of 6 when the war of the big bad and those who opposed him started, their home was destroyed in the havoc. The big bad took them in to shelter them and most likely train them into solders for his army, but from the eyes of the monster children he was their savior.
During the war, they helped out in the background learning how to fight mend armor and heal wounds.
After the war ended (8 years passed, now 14 years old) the big bad's army was scattered, The sibling ran of with a group of high ranking solders and a general, for 7 more years they lived in hiding, living in the world the big bad had told them was disgusting, the way it shouldn't be.
While venturing back to the old base to scout around for a new place to stay, Vivval and her brother discover where the big bad was sealed away and reported to the group, from then the group plan to fully bring back the big bad

 The group move in but are found by Vex, she kills of majority of the group and steals the focusing Crystal, Vivval and Notctus begin to hunt her down.

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