Sunday 8 April 2018

Short Bio.

Vivval Raith is a 28 year old monster from another world, She is  a care-free, spastic and energetic monster, she is high energy and is easily bored, Having a childish nature she doesn't always know her limitations when it comes to other people and their feelings, she can be impatient, overbearing and picky from other peoples perspectives. Her only family is her brother whom she has spent all her life with.
She is relatively Flexible and is capable of using magic unlike her Brother.

Noctus is a 30 year old monster from another world. He is a rather angry and agitated person, Noctus is one to hold grudges to life and is cold and hard to everyone he meets, the only exception is his sister, he still is harsh and cold however is a little easy on her.
He is incapable of using magic and prefers hand to hand combat over using weapons and if weapons are used he would use ones that require blunt force.

Vex is a 50 year old dragon from another world. She is a chirpish fun loving person, Vex while on the surface is a childish and air headed, once in a situation that calls for more serious measures she will take it seriously but her chirpish attitude will still show through.

Toby is a 14 year old teen from earth. Toby is a quite yet sarcastic girl, she has quite a low self-esteem and tends to keep to herself, however if anyone managed to wedge their way into being her freind, they will find she is quite funny and snarky. Toby lives with her parents, however most of the time they are busy leaving Toby to herself.

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