Friday 27 April 2018

Update (seeing as it slipped my mind for the entire holidays, woops)

I did go though the script, and considered merging Vivval and Noctus into one character to Limit the number of people needing animation, however this would mean re-writing the entire fight for two on one while 2 on 2, I can focus on one pair at a time, (2 characters in a scene) rather then 2 on 1 (3 characters in a scene, (majority of the short film the four characters wont appear in the same shot)

as for sounds, before the holidays I went through the folders, I found a lot of what I would need, however if need be I can record my own sounds or search the web if anything turns out missing.
Most of the noises like grunts from the characters, will probably be done from the voice actors.

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