Sunday 29 April 2018


Head Turn WIP

In progress thing, not to happy about the hair however,
 i'm just gonna move on to giving it a proper outline and eyes

How to Gif
- Export animation as a movie file
- Import said file into Photoshop (not drag) Video frames to layers
- export as Save for Web

Saturday 28 April 2018

3 Thumbnails

3 of the Thumbnails I have made, when I've finished all of them I'll post them all at once

Friday 27 April 2018

Update (seeing as it slipped my mind for the entire holidays, woops)

I did go though the script, and considered merging Vivval and Noctus into one character to Limit the number of people needing animation, however this would mean re-writing the entire fight for two on one while 2 on 2, I can focus on one pair at a time, (2 characters in a scene) rather then 2 on 1 (3 characters in a scene, (majority of the short film the four characters wont appear in the same shot)

as for sounds, before the holidays I went through the folders, I found a lot of what I would need, however if need be I can record my own sounds or search the web if anything turns out missing.
Most of the noises like grunts from the characters, will probably be done from the voice actors.

Thursday 12 April 2018

What I will need - Under the Wing

I've been Stockpiling Soundtracks
and sound effects from the SIT Library

Script - Complete

Fanticy pumped up
something along the likes of Peter Crowley the RWBY soundtrack.

Possible Choices to mash into the soundtrack:
Sports and action 9
World Vision 2
World Vision 3
World Vision 4
World Vision 9
Adrenaline TV 4

In case I can't Use the music I know someone I can commission, but I can also have a crack at making the music myself.

Sound Effects: (needed)
Footsteps (Grass)
Impact noises - from hits, falling, punches,
Character noises - Grunts and such (which will come from the voice actors)
Bird chirping
Leaves in the wind
static electricity sound
some sort of lightning sound
Something for the barrier, some sort of low electric hum,
glass shatter
any shatter sound
crackling sounds
Wing flapping
Claw scratches
Animal growling sounds

Just a park. no other Locations

Character Voice Actors ( none as of Yet )

Under the Wing Update

Character Bio references Poster concept art and such

Monday 9 April 2018

German expressionist film Blog reserch

Time period? 1919- 1931
The time period that the films such of mr. cqaligans cabbinit were created in Germany shortly after world war 1. to get away from reflecting what it was like at the time and to create something based and focused around story.

What are the characteristics in regards to sets, costumes , lighting, and acting?
The imagery in the films are distorted and have askew angles, pulled expressions and tension. The backgrounds were cartoon like, however they provided a distorted background that twisted the world the actors and actresses were in.
Two different ways of lighting
One colour for a certain scene.

What are the Key themes?
Telling a story
Warped minds/views

What type of film genres were influenced by German Expressionist film?
The genre that was most influenced by the German expressionist films was and is still the horror genre, The tilted angles provide an edge along with the distorted scenes

Discuss how the films of a contemporary film director have been influenced by German expressionist films.
Tim Burtan's style can be seen to heavily influenced by German expressionist films, the distorted forms and background can be seen through his works,

Sunday 8 April 2018

Digital 1 Proposal

Digital 1 Proposal: 500 - 700 words
Assessment 1- Proposal for Project

Question of research:
What would it be Like if fantasy exploded into our world?
The theme of this project is "Alternate South-land", I want to explore the changed that South-land would go through If fantasy suddenly was our reality, how would our world adapt and change, another possibility is what if fantastic had always existed or even if magical creatures replaced humans.

Three artists I have looked into:

Anne Stokes:
Anne Stokes is an English artist who create works of fantasy, she has created things from jewelry and designs of logos on t-shirts she has even designed diagrams for dungeons and dragons. Her artwork has been presented in various exhibitions and is highly praised for her paintings.

I love her realistic style and details of drawing, her drawings have such beautiful themes of fantiasy. not only does she creat original works but she also has created fan art of things such as harry potter. The main focus of her pictures blend into the background very well.

Amy Brown:
Amy Brown is well known for her artwork of fairies, to me her work looks as if it would be something stitched onto an ancient tapestry,
She began her career when the gallery she was working at asked her to fill in an empty frame, from there she started selling her beautiful works.

Her work is very beautiful, it looks as if it would be something stitched into an ancient tapestry from a fantasy world, or even an illustration in an old book,  parts of the characters design has a ripped yet graceful look, the colour is usually centered around one hue and that draws my attention to the whole thing

Jasmine Becket-Griffith:
I love the big eyes within her work, the chibi style is shaded wonderfully, and though it doesn't have realistic proportions I still admire how she has created her work.

The software I will be using Photoshop, I will most likely take photos of location for reference as I want to create each piece of art in my drawn style. I considered drawing fantisy into photographs which I may test with. but I have previously done so in my year 13 photography course and would like to create something new rather then going back to what I have already done in a previous year, this will also let me explore what I can create and what I am capable of making withing various programs,

Further Tests and experiments:
I want to try a variety of methods to create the images within my mind. I am going to try several things such as drawing into photography, photo editing, drawing from scratch, and what else I can discover in the programs I will be working with in this project.

- Stewart Island is a par of Southland and is known to inhabit kiwis
-Stirling point
-Never far from the Ocean
- Southland contains various native and rare wild life
- Southland was a hard place to inhabit at first for the maroi due to the harsh conditions of the terrain and weather

The reason I have chosen a fantasy theme for my AU South-land is because I have such a love for the genre where anything is possible, there are no limits on what crazy creatures you can create and not to mention dragons, they on their own are awesome as hell.
As for the programs I chose Photoshop as it has various brushes and tools that will be useful in the creation of my works.

Images: created
Images I have created in the past, that can relate to this topic

Links and sources:

Short Bio.

Vivval Raith is a 28 year old monster from another world, She is  a care-free, spastic and energetic monster, she is high energy and is easily bored, Having a childish nature she doesn't always know her limitations when it comes to other people and their feelings, she can be impatient, overbearing and picky from other peoples perspectives. Her only family is her brother whom she has spent all her life with.
She is relatively Flexible and is capable of using magic unlike her Brother.

Noctus is a 30 year old monster from another world. He is a rather angry and agitated person, Noctus is one to hold grudges to life and is cold and hard to everyone he meets, the only exception is his sister, he still is harsh and cold however is a little easy on her.
He is incapable of using magic and prefers hand to hand combat over using weapons and if weapons are used he would use ones that require blunt force.

Vex is a 50 year old dragon from another world. She is a chirpish fun loving person, Vex while on the surface is a childish and air headed, once in a situation that calls for more serious measures she will take it seriously but her chirpish attitude will still show through.

Toby is a 14 year old teen from earth. Toby is a quite yet sarcastic girl, she has quite a low self-esteem and tends to keep to herself, however if anyone managed to wedge their way into being her freind, they will find she is quite funny and snarky. Toby lives with her parents, however most of the time they are busy leaving Toby to herself.

Vivval Full Bio

Vivval Character Bio

Vivval Raith is a 28 year old monster from another world from earth,Vivval is a non-binary creature however, she goes by female pro-nouns, Vivval has a humanoid figure, her legs are similar to a cats hind legs along with her feet, as for her hands she only has four fingers tipped with sharp claws.
Vivval is covered in head to toe is a reddish brown fur and has a pinkish mohawk and tail, on either side of her head are two giant cat shaped ears, Vivval has a flat face with a cat like mouth and a disk surrounding her face like a barn owl has, with no visible nose. She wears blue shorts and a high cut tank top with a circle shape in the center exposing the center of her flat chest.
Vivval is a care-free, spastic and energetic monster, she is high energy and is easily bored, Having a childish nature she doesn't always know her limitations when it comes to other people and their feelings, she can be impatient, overbearing and picky from other peoples perspectives. Vivals only family is her brother Noctus, her brother has always been with her watching over her and always helping her, no matter what she stays loyal to her brother and follows in his footsteps.
Unlike her brother Vivval is capable of using magic, her magic is lightning based but is used in the form on pulses of energy she shoots out from her hands, she is also, very flexible
Vivval and her brother Noctus lived in a small village within the monster world, at the age of 6 when the war of the big bad and those who opposed him started, their home was destroyed in the havoc. The big bad took them in to shelter them and most likely train them into solders for his army, but from the eyes of the monster children he was their savior.
During the war, they helped out in the background learning how to fight mend armor and heal wounds.
After the war ended (8 years passed, now 14 years old) the big bad's army was scattered, The sibling ran of with a group of high ranking solders and a general, for 7 more years they lived in hiding, living in the world the big bad had told them was disgusting, the way it shouldn't be.
While venturing back to the old base to scout around for a new place to stay, Vivval and her brother discover where the big bad was sealed away and reported to the group, from then the group plan to fully bring back the big bad

 The group move in but are found by Vex, she kills of majority of the group and steals the focusing Crystal, Vivval and Notctus begin to hunt her down.