Saturday 24 February 2018

Story Update

Possible Titles:
Under the Wing

Monsters and beasts are gathering magic energy to take over their world, Vex at the time was working for them, She ended up betraying them and stealing a valuable object (something like a focusing Crystal) during the fight of her escape she was stripped of her powers. She was banished or mistakenly cast into another world as were her stripped powers.

 The powers ended up sealed inside a young teen, Vex now decided to hang around until she is able to get her powers back, (I'm possibility going to have the teen hold onto the item that vex stole a reason could be that she would be better at hiding it as she can hide it under her clothes (said item is pretty small)).

The Main bad boss of the Monsters is sending lower class monsters to retrieve the small item (this will end up playing out as a monster of the week style, that is common in kids T.V) The time that the short film will be set in is one of those days, it will be set past the time that the teen and Vex have bonded and are now friends.

 The Two minor antagonists which will be present in the short film.

Vivval -
a chirpy and crazy little ditz who cares for her brother - scared of him hating her

Noctus -
Angsty, scared of failure

The Teen:
Possible Names:
Aster, Toby, Luta, Rawn

Personality: Low self asteem , sarcastic, just trying to get through school life, is bullied She acts like she doesn't care but in the end insults do get to her,

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