Wednesday 28 February 2018

Story Stage

This at this point in time is just a possibility

Stage One:
Introducing the characters Toby (the young teen) is coming home from school looking a little down, Vex flies down to meet her and have a little chat Toby had promised to go to the park with Vex and Vex is nagging at her. it is clear to Vex something is Bothering Toby however she can not find out what is wrong. meanwhile they are being watched

Stage Two:
Vival and Noctus burst out of the shadows with general bad guy banter. They demand they hand over a certain item their boss needs after the protagonists refuse they summon a monster (low class) and attack.
They battle and Vex and Toby combine forces to beat the bad guys

Stage Three:
The Antagonist slink of and Vex found out what was bothering Toby, she had been feeling as if she was useless and no one wanted her, (basically bullies at school messing with her) Then she says she realised that Vex need her and Vex confirms that calling her a dork for not knowing it.

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