Monday 26 February 2018

New Zealand Film

Overview of work

How well was their work received in NZ
How well was it recieved overseas
Nominated for any awards
(Might add more work later in the week)

Chosen AnimatorGuy Capper

Guy Capper has animated various award winning commercials, however His most notable animation is The Pen, which consists of two sheep in a bar. It debut took place in 2001 and won an award.

His work from what I have found was well received as the competition that he entered his stop motion animation, the Pen into won first prize.

The award that the animation "The Pen" won or shared as it was described was from the trans-Tasman Nescafe Short Film Awards. 

Overview of work
How well was their work received in NZ
How well was it recieved overseas
Nominated for any awards

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