Saturday 28 July 2018

Final Treatment

Act One:

Elvrie Stares and the forest with a scared expression she approaches the edge with a jumpy step before backing away, Elvrie paces at the edge looking into the forest. She gives in to her temptation and runs into the forest skittishly running through the trees. Elvrie comes to a halt and slowly approaches a dead log, Eyes appear in the shadow and scares Elvrie, then Elvroe the demon jumps out at her. Elvrie spooks and bolts.

Act Two:

Elvroe rams into Elvrie pushing her from her path. Elvrie sends a blast of fire at the demon to distract it before running and leaping off a ledge gliding down to another level of the forest, the demon leaps out of the shadows and strikes the dragon, sending her sprawling, she gets up and continues to run, but the demon jumps in-front of her blocking her path.

Act Three:

Elvrie is stopped in her path head down refusing too look at the demon, Elvrie finaly looks up at teh deamon after some noises from it, she looks distraught and unwilling, she yowls at the calm Elvroe.
Elvroe does not respond and continues to stare down Elvrie, She takes a second to think then sighs and looks up, still looking distraught she dips her head and walks towards the demon, just as she is in front of the demon, the two form into one another forming a complete being, the combination of the two Elvraite stand in the forest, something snaps behind her and she looks back before jumping into the sky and flying away.

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