Monday 16 July 2018

Alternate Idea

Small dragon fighting demons.

A small dragon is running through a Forrest or something trying to reach the other side to its friend though its has been forever blocked by a demon, the dragon must fight its way to its friend.
Looks at mountin so destination is shown.
Determined look on dragon face

(the longing to be near family and friends. the demon could be its counter or reflection of its self, then not physically but Mentally, we all have to somehow overcome our demons.

Maybe there is no fight, inner fight, you cant run away

It has to face it before passing, it can not run away the more it runs the worse it gets,
You have to face your demons before you ,move on
Maybe no fight just a confrontation

when finally confronted its a reflection of the dragon.

or the demon is the part of yourself that you don't like, you need to accept yourself before you move on

the other dragon might not be necessary its just about the dragons and its demon.

instead of a big fight the dragon just tries to dodge before realizing it has to face and get past its demon.

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