Monday 23 July 2018

2d Treatment

First Treatment:

Log Line:
We can run as much as we want, as much as we can, but to escape your inner demons you need to face them.

The dragon looks on the other side of the forrest and delves in, demon chases and fight

Fight then standstill

acceptence then running on.

Act One:
Elvrie stand before a haunting forest, it glances over the tree top to the horizon where it wants to go, Elvrie then kicks off running onto the forest, it races through the trees and notices its being followed, growling Elvrie ducks as a demon jumps out.

Act Two:
The demon rams into the dragon pushing her from her path, The dragon Elvrie stops and Send a blast of fire and the demon to distract it before running and leaping off a ledge gliding down to another level of the forest, the demon leaps out of the shadows and strikes the dragon, sending her sprawling, she gets up and continues to run, but the demon jumps in-front of her blocking her path.

Act Three:
Elvrie is stopped in her path head down refusing too look at the demon, when she does, the appearance of the demon matches her shadow, she is clearly distraught at it, the dragon takes a breath and walks towards the unmoving demon, before she reaches the demon she opens here eyes and walks (runs?) through the demon that fades away. She looks back too see nothing before looking forward with hope and launching forward.

Elvrie walk towards her deamon accepting it still scared,

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