Tuesday 31 July 2018

We completed the proposal, as a powerpoint, yay!!

Saturday 28 July 2018

Final Treatment

Act One:

Elvrie Stares and the forest with a scared expression she approaches the edge with a jumpy step before backing away, Elvrie paces at the edge looking into the forest. She gives in to her temptation and runs into the forest skittishly running through the trees. Elvrie comes to a halt and slowly approaches a dead log, Eyes appear in the shadow and scares Elvrie, then Elvroe the demon jumps out at her. Elvrie spooks and bolts.

Act Two:

Elvroe rams into Elvrie pushing her from her path. Elvrie sends a blast of fire at the demon to distract it before running and leaping off a ledge gliding down to another level of the forest, the demon leaps out of the shadows and strikes the dragon, sending her sprawling, she gets up and continues to run, but the demon jumps in-front of her blocking her path.

Act Three:

Elvrie is stopped in her path head down refusing too look at the demon, Elvrie finaly looks up at teh deamon after some noises from it, she looks distraught and unwilling, she yowls at the calm Elvroe.
Elvroe does not respond and continues to stare down Elvrie, She takes a second to think then sighs and looks up, still looking distraught she dips her head and walks towards the demon, just as she is in front of the demon, the two form into one another forming a complete being, the combination of the two Elvraite stand in the forest, something snaps behind her and she looks back before jumping into the sky and flying away.

Treatment Two

Act One:

Elvrie Stares and the forest with a scared expression she approaches the edge with a jumpy step before backing away, Elvrie paces at the edge looking into the forest. She gives in to her temptation and runs into the forest skittishly running through the trees. Elvrie comes to a halt and slowly approaches a dead log, Eyes appear in the shadow and scares Elvrie, then Elvroe the demon jumps out at her. Elvrie spooks and bolts.

Act Two:

Elvroe rams into Elvrie pushing her from her path. Elvrie sends a blast of fire at the demon to distract it before running and leaping off a ledge gliding down to another level of the forest, the demon leaps out of the shadows and strikes the dragon, sending her sprawling, she gets up and continues to run, but the demon jumps in-front of her blocking her path.

Act Three:

Elvrie is stopped in her path head down refusing too look at the demon, Elvrie finaly looks up at teh deamon after some noises from it, she looks distraught and unwilling, she yowls at the calm Elvroe.
Elvroe does not resond and continues to stare down Elvrie, She takes a second to think then sighs and looks up, still looking distraight she dips her head and walks towards the demon, just as she is in front of the demon, the two form into one another forming a complete being, the combination of the two Elvraite stand in the forrest, something snapps behind her and she looks back before jumping into the sky and flying away.

reluctant to enter the forest, hesitated, scared

Act One:
Elvrie stand before a haunting forest, it glances over the tree top to the horizon where it wants to go, Elvrie then kicks off running onto the forest, it races through the trees and notices its being followed, growling Elvrie ducks as a demon jumps out.

Act Two:
The demon rams into the dragon pushing her from her path, The dragon Elvrie stops and Send a blast of fire and the demon to distract it before running and leaping off a ledge gliding down to another level of the forest, the demon leaps out of the shadows and strikes the dragon, sending her sprawling, she gets up and continues to run, but the demon jumps in-front of her blocking her path.

Act Three:
Elvrie is stopped in her path head down refusing too look at the demon, when she does, the appearance of the demon matches her shadow, she is clearly distraught at it, the dragon takes a breath and walks towards the unmoving demon, before she reaches the demon she opens here eyes and walks (runs?) through the demon that fades away. She looks back too see nothing before looking forward with hope and launching forward.

Elvrie walk towards her deamon accepting it still scared,

Tuesday 24 July 2018


Pdf listing what we are doing

Satan comes home from work to discover his high score on the claw machine has been beaten by Hitler, He must reclaim top score.

Taking in the fact we are making bases to have the clay cover it will be more of a puppet animation then true claymations

We could possibly replace the claw machine with an arcade game, such as tetris or pong

Act One:
Satan Walks in through a door into his gaming room, walking past several games before spotting hsi claw machine
He then looks at the score and to his disappointment, surprise and anger, his top score has non-other has been beaten by Hitler,

Act Two:
Satan storms up to the machine glaring at Hitler's score. He pulls out a truckload of tokens from his pocket and slams one into the machine, and starts to play, he carefuly minuvers the claw to a plushie and picks it up, he grins, the claw is dragged to the prize drop but it falls out of the claws grasp before it reaches the drop, He is pissed, (smoll montage of him trying and failing)
Concentrating hard he finally wins a prize. he then wins a few more.

Act Three:
Satan looks up at the scoreboard to find his score is now back at the top, Satan Celebrates and dances, He then stops as he hears the machine working, he looks at the machine and (---) is there playing, (---) then goes to the top score, SATAN RAGES.

Method and style
Three artist to look too


Puppet Claymation

Research: Stop-motion Claymation/puppets

Concept art

Group: (2)
We both have our own clay and have been messing around with molding
We were thinking of making bases out of polistirine and covering it with clay

Concept Art

Character Profiles:

Elvrie is a young dragon though only half of a soul, half of a being. She is the Light of a whole a half, without darkness she is incomplete and will never reach her full potential, however she rejects the negative shy's away from her demon, her darkness

Elvroe is a demon, bent on combining with its Light, it lust after being whole being complete, being only half a soul, the darkness of a souvl causes it great pain and loneliness, and strives to hunt down its light to become whole, despite being the dark half Elvroe has no ill intent, as it knows that to become more to move on both Elvrie and her must join together.

Elvrate is the complete being of the dragon and deamon, it is the harmony of light and dark.

Monday 23 July 2018

2d Treatment

First Treatment:

Log Line:
We can run as much as we want, as much as we can, but to escape your inner demons you need to face them.

The dragon looks on the other side of the forrest and delves in, demon chases and fight

Fight then standstill

acceptence then running on.

Act One:
Elvrie stand before a haunting forest, it glances over the tree top to the horizon where it wants to go, Elvrie then kicks off running onto the forest, it races through the trees and notices its being followed, growling Elvrie ducks as a demon jumps out.

Act Two:
The demon rams into the dragon pushing her from her path, The dragon Elvrie stops and Send a blast of fire and the demon to distract it before running and leaping off a ledge gliding down to another level of the forest, the demon leaps out of the shadows and strikes the dragon, sending her sprawling, she gets up and continues to run, but the demon jumps in-front of her blocking her path.

Act Three:
Elvrie is stopped in her path head down refusing too look at the demon, when she does, the appearance of the demon matches her shadow, she is clearly distraught at it, the dragon takes a breath and walks towards the unmoving demon, before she reaches the demon she opens here eyes and walks (runs?) through the demon that fades away. She looks back too see nothing before looking forward with hope and launching forward.

Elvrie walk towards her deamon accepting it still scared,

Thursday 19 July 2018




ok so, its basically its about 5 guys who die and they are complete morons, they end up going around each afterlife fucking all the shit up, though the comic itself will just to the pilot, in other words its about them all dying.

seeing as this will count as exposure, i will have another option in case, i would love to make both if possible but Im not sure, sticking to one if i need but two would be awesome.

the other idea I have is basically a slice of life comic of a costume maker that makes shit for all types of races, merfolk centaurs elves humans all the shit.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

More Ideas:

Re-imagining of the tooth fairy, instead of a fairy its a faerae a long limbed created with pointy fingers that takes childrens teeth. it takes them home and makes things out of them
makes weapons to bucher children with.

Person steal souls by taking photos of people, old dirty streets they collect souls for something

Soul stitching, using should to create a net to trap demons

Group Work:

Day in the Life of the Devil
coming home to relax


I recently watched this stop-motion feature film, The animation is 
extremely smooth that it can be mistaken for CGI however this entire 
film is stop-motion which I find very impressive.

The best thing about this film is the after credits scene, it not only 
breaks the forth wall but it does so by showing a time-laps of the animators moving 
the puppets and zooming out to show the set of the scene.

Monday 16 July 2018


Breathless Review:

I found this film quite boring as I feel as through it was a bit dragged out within the love area. to me the old romance in films is too sappy and drawn out,
Alongside this I found the plot very hard to follow, and ended up zoning out every now and then I also found that characters not that deep in personality, I didn't notice their struggles that much as the acting and the way most characters are built in that time, they seem more (idk liquid, fluid) in personality then what is produced today.

The one thing that annoyed me most in the film was the jump-cuts majority of these were unnecessary and made the film look very tacky.

Research Question

How can I create a successful animation trend (in other words a meme).

What I have noticed about various animation memes, is that they are short and have a beat too it, nothing that would take ages to animate yet interesting original and up to pop culture on most occasions.

(im not sure if the artist of theese memes are the original creators of the trend)

What was the goal in mind when they were created?
What is something that would draw an audience in?
What kind of visuals ?
What kind of difficulty?
What kind of character would draw in people?
How can I make something that others would want to as well?



Alternate Idea

Small dragon fighting demons.

A small dragon is running through a Forrest or something trying to reach the other side to its friend though its has been forever blocked by a demon, the dragon must fight its way to its friend.
Looks at mountin so destination is shown.
Determined look on dragon face

(the longing to be near family and friends. the demon could be its counter or reflection of its self, then not physically but Mentally, we all have to somehow overcome our demons.

Maybe there is no fight, inner fight, you cant run away

It has to face it before passing, it can not run away the more it runs the worse it gets,
You have to face your demons before you ,move on
Maybe no fight just a confrontation

when finally confronted its a reflection of the dragon.

or the demon is the part of yourself that you don't like, you need to accept yourself before you move on

the other dragon might not be necessary its just about the dragons and its demon.

instead of a big fight the dragon just tries to dodge before realizing it has to face and get past its demon.

Friday 13 July 2018

I was thinking of creating something other then my pleb story but, I think I will stick to the base of the story and pull around a few ideas for the details of the story

Thus far I have a small creature being hunted then the tables turn.

Extended Ideas:
Alian like flora and fauna
Dark colours with hints of fluorescent
White lines. as contrast the to dark fill colours.

Small skinny creature, looking for food, then it shows that it is being hunted by a creature,
 (it was previously a character called Loaf but it was not intimidating enough)

I don't want the creatures to talk as I would have to find voice actors and create dialog but I don't need it, to create a decent story

Story Ideas - Stopmotion

Stop motion or more specifically claymation has this off putting look to it for me, especially if you suck at sculpting.

 cannibal babies

Empty eyes
   - Eyes are the window to the soul so what if each persons eyes matched their personality

Dead souls/lost souls, hunt the living for their souls to make them feel more real.

Ent Like creature that hunts tramping humans as revenge for its fallen kin

I want to create something creepy yet sad the thing that happens happens because of something sad something that comes from sorrow and anger.

Butterfly creature getting revenge on a human for picking its flower.

A few animation from the Net





Tuesday 10 July 2018

New design

another version of the pleb i am designing, the story is not set in stone though i am pretty sure this thing will end up being a character in my animation

nitial Ideas

What type of stop motion?
I am thinking of either going for claymation or puppets, either of those seem like they would be the most easyiest options, more so on the claymation option as there is no boundary to the shape the clay can take

It could be possible to do a mix of the two mediums having a puppet for the main body and clay for details such as expressions in the face.

What type of story?

So far I don't have much of an idea but I would be chill with comedy to horror, im planning on teaming up with someone so this will be discussed further with them

I am Planning on teaming up with Rach so, we are both going to come up with several ideas for stories and on our next meeting we will converse and mesh our ideas into whatever the horror of a story will be the outcome

Dragons Lullaby

I love the simple and smooth animation in this film. the designs are also great and I love the story
also dragons are awesome

It is very long for an animation and I wont be going anywhere near this time range for my story. I do like the typical story line, though it is old school I don't think its a bad thing, just as long as it not the only thing people do.

Monday 9 July 2018

French New Wave

 The new french wave began in around the 1950's, 
it brought on a new perspective in the film making industry.
 It encouraged film makers to express their views and creations of their own minds.

Before this wave had hit France film making was an expensive endeavor, films in that time had to have a backing from a film making company to make it possible to create. Thought through the French new wave equipment had become cheaper and people started making films and proved you do not need a big budget to produce a good film, only a good imagination.


2s animation story idea.

Story: Don't hunt the Pleb? Might rename.
Smol pleb being hunted by a monster. I wont be using the animation I created first semester as it is WAAAY to long adding to that i had way to many characters.

Possible characters
Pleb and Loaf (not scaled)

Pleb the hunted

- jumpy and quick animation, short cuts unatural
Loaf the hunted

-slowing and bouncy blubber animation, no sharp turns it is basically a fat pug.