Sunday 9 September 2018

Models and Scources:

They provide me examples of characters, the types of characters I like and are popular among fans of the shows, The character personality's are strong and well defined, I can use these as guidelines to create my character

Ben 10
Genirator Rex
Avatar the last airbender

Extra Models and sources:

The book:
I already know the stuff in here but i need something to put here.

What can I look into that can help me build my character:
Seeing as my character is going to be in a space/sci-fi themed world/story I want to look into Outer Space, and also the Ocean seeing as the are many parallels between the two.

Something that draws people to a character is basing traits of them on real life facts, things that the people can dig into, something that will make the character more interesting,

Space Stuff: (of course being sci-fi I can still make stuff up)
 001279622714P- her miniships serial/register code.

Moons in the Solar System
Thing I can look into:


Destiny 2.
- Hive like enemies
- various enemy types
- ghosts (like a personal ai or something)
-Various planets have been colinised
- human life span has been made longer

- 5 vanilla races
- Teleportation to and from the ship
- protector's of the universe (hudshfhuforgotwhattheyarecalled)
-mainly to build and explore

Fact Stuff:
At the center of galaxies exists a black hole.

The Andromeda galaxy is the closest galaxy to the milky way
Sombrero Galaxy - has a super massive black hole (might be the biggest recorded)

Dark Matter:
Most of the stuff about Dark matter is theory it is supposedly some sort of fluid-energy

The universe is around 68% dark energy and 27% Dark Matter 5% Normal Matter

Asteroid Belts:
The asteroids can contain valuable metals: Iron Titanium, water can even be found on them
which according to the site could be used for colonies.

They would be a target for mining.

Gravity can pull asteroids out of the belt

Black Holes:
 A black hole is something with such intense gravity that nothing can escape it including light

Stellar mas black holes are created when humongous stars explode
Supermassive black holes exist within the heart of Galaxies

Sagittarius is the black hole in the center of the milky way containing the mass of 4 million suns

Gravity varies from planet to planet, we are set to Earths gravity, but in space there is no such thing, taking into fact that im going to have multiple aliens from different planets with varing intensities of gravity A ship would have difrent levels of gravity in each room or maybe. there could be some device that each creature has that can auto fix the gravity for them.
Of course I can ignore this, my age rang for this is teens and up, on the one hand it might teach more about gravity and put an interesting twist on the sci-fi world and on the other it might be complicated for some.
Gravity is set to something, some might need devices to altar their own gravity due to living needs (some might be too weak or too strong)

Magnetic Fields:
A planets Rotation can generate a magnetic field

Earth has a powerful magnetic field and is the most dense planet in the solar system

It can have an effect on Solar wind emitted by stars

The Northern Lights on Earth are because of Earths magnetic field clashing with Ionized Particles (gonna look into what they are)

Characters paralleling Planets:

I would aslo like them to have attributes of the gods that the planets are named after
MainBCharacter _ Earth/Terra/Gaia (protector of Earth?)
Is dense is personality ( most dense planet in the solar system )
 (Gaia was the goddess of the earth (she was a titan)

Venus is considered Earth sister planet so main can have a sister:

Mars - one day will have a ring, signs of life

Uranus is Cold, moons named after shake spear characters

Not all planets will have oxygen or the same gravity, gravy adjuster things could be use for people though they might not be able to create less gravity only more

Black holes could be warp holes that as of so far only celestial can utilize.
the bigger the black hole the easier to use.

No one can live close to the event horizon of a black hole, it is too dangerous, as if any did they would be lost to the black hole.

Universal time, the universe wouldn't go by the time of one planet, so there would be a universal time so things could still be done, it would be wildly different from earth though,
for example an hour in universal time could be 18 day on earth.

From: Earth/Terra/Gaia - New Zealand

Units - measurements
Light years - Speed
Ticks - Time

Rangi - meaning sky
Moana - meaning ocean (nope will be seen as the disney movie ref)
Whetu - meaning star (fe-tu)

Marama - Moon
Pania - mainen name in maori myth
Hauku - Dew

she would be 15 so she wouldn't really have a propper job yet job shit is dependent on species
Why the heck is she in space what does she do.
not trying to find her mother

Humanity is spread out through the solar system. but they havent spread further,.

The aliens she travels with usualy collect materials from asteroids (astroid miners)
One or two are solders in the universal goverment, the gov is made up of (high ranking up of) 18diffrent species, or somthing not every race can be represented but any race has the oppertunity of getting there (by hard work) Some think otherwise though it is a divided opintion
(kind of liek the pumbers i guess?)

The band she lives with (travel in a ship) They basicly are free lance group who mainly Sell materials from asteroids, they are also mercineries, with morals

Im not sure I will use diffrent time, as while it will be more realistic it may end up being confusing

Tick -  hour  (2.5 Earth hour)
Tlicks - I day

3333 15

Universal time
Second - normal
Minute - 60
Hour -  2 earth

60 in an hour, h
Screw it, Universal time is Basically Earth time now

A year in Universe time
Universe time is actually on a main planet one of the early races to space travel and it ended being picked up

A year on the planet would be about 20 months

One Universal year -  1.7 earth year

15 years in Universal year 180 months old 20 months in a year

 Wings on her celestial form- the celestial being could be ocean inspired.


Ocean Stuff:

Ocean has more pressure then space - why we haven't explored more of the ocean then space

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