Monday 11 June 2018


Bicycle thief
Director and year:
The film was directed by Vittorio De Sica and released in the year 1948

Do you agree with the statement that the Bicycle thief is one of the greatest films of all time:
Despite not liking it myself I do agree that it is a great film, considering when it was released it unlike other films of its time had relevance that reflected the society in that time period.

What does the bike represent:

No clue :P

Is the use of non Pro actors evident good or bad:

I think it was a good, move, the people used were not pros however their performance was great, using non pro helped with the connection that they were making to society at the time.

Character arc of the father:

The father starts out as a good man with a job but then due to his circumstances is slowly withering away into a (not bad) but desperate person who will do anything to keep his job, even if it means going against the law.

Boys opinion of the father 
the boiy held his father in a good light, a father figure to follow, and someone to look up to

Write your own review
I thought the film was quite boring, while the acting and plot were decent, I didn't find the film captivating in the least, though, unlike most of the films we were watching I wasn't fighting to stay awake.

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