Monday 11 June 2018



Personal Opinion:
Personalty I thought is was quite boring, adding to the fact that I didn't get enough sleep didn't help me concentrate. a bit of it just slipped past me. The film itself while it is held in high standereds its defiantly not my kind of film, just the genre and what goes on it too boring an uneventful for my taste in films.

What film techniques were used:

Does the film still hold up today?
The film is still held in high regard in the film industry, while in mainstream media the film does not have an effecting footprint, it is still a huge part of the cinematic history.

Would I recommend the film (why why not)
No, while its a classic and all its not something I find interesting and I really only pass on films I absolutely love (marvel movies*cough cough*)

Did I recognize any famous quotes
The only quote I remember from the film is "He's looking at you kid", the only thing I learned from this film is where that damn quote came from.

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