Monday 13 August 2018


How can I create a successful animation trend? (in other words a meme).
Maybe instead I could create an OC map Orrrrr 

Trend, continue or create a parody

Create a animation that carries on like a chain, or create something that can be repeated by various people,

Other then a meme I could extend this to an animation colab for various people to add their own ideas and characters too, starting off with mine

What I have noticed about various animation memes, is that they are short and have a beat too it, nothing that would take ages to animate yet interesting original and up to pop culture on most occasions.
This is something that also occurs in animation colabs, if I make it bouncy and reference what is in modern culture without coming off as

(Next Player, boss fight style? It has the option of being a chain or repeated creation)

One to look into: The Floor is Lava - By PaintedSerenity

The music used in this creation is from this person
I don't know if they had permission to use their music in their animation.
Im not sure about the character either (yet) whether is is an oc (which would make the meme a form of OC map) or if it was created specifically for this animation.

Unable to find the same character on their other youtube videos or their devient art so i think it is logical to say that the character was made for the meme.

Most of their characters a felines

Colabs and Animation Memes
Animation memes are creations that can be recreated in any way the creater or parody maker wants as long as it sticks to the base source, It usually is pretty short and repetitive as it wont be too much work for others to create
When and if I make one im not expecting it to get far as I don't have any print in the animation culture on youtube as of yet. that thing takes time in which I wont have while making this

Colabs on the other hand are usualy done in a group and arn't chains, I supose a combination of both would be some sort of colab chain meme where people just add onto what exist instead of making a parody.

What kind of visuals ?
Visuals really depend on the type of artist and their style, but one thing most of the memes and colabs have in common is that they are very simple they aren't intricate for the most part, ones that are, are stills some with boning to move them.

What kind of character would draw in people?

A character that fits the type of meme im going for, example, for the bipolar meme the character is intricite and crazy looking and for the Floor is lava meme, the character is very rounded and sppealing to the eyes with a pastle pallet

Is for bipedal or quad, I think A cat like creature might be best however i am thinking of using my Icon Eeeble for this creation.

Level: Icon

Should I create or or Parody another?
Look into Colabs and Memes
What was the goal in mind when they were created?
What is something that would draw an audience in?
What kind of visuals ?
What kind of difficulty?
What kind of character would draw in people?
How can I make something that others would want to as well?

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